Monster Hunter World: In-Depth Guide

in #gaming7 years ago



The slightest charming advance of chasing a beast, however it's truly critical. Your Item Pouch has a certain number of spaces, so only take what you need. Fortunately, Monster Hunter World has changed so that the Ammo pack and materials, that are utilized for creating consumables, are different from the rest and don’t take up pocket space.

Go to a supply box in Astera - you can locate these by Quest Boards and in your room. Store all that you don't require - like crude materials, for example, mushrooms - into your container. Always remembered to eat in Astera, or the camp container while on a mission! These can build your health, protection, attack, stamina, in addition to give you unique attributes.

Tricks for Fighting Monsters

Dung pod: Crafted from … well, dung. Encourages any large monster unlucky enough to be on the receiving end to leave you alone temporarily.

Status-inflicting knives: Crafted from throwing knives (a rare supply item) and any dangerous-sounding mushroom. For instance, parashrooms and throwing knives create paralysis knives, which can paralyze your target. Note that it will take several to inflict the desired status effect. In addition to paralysis, you can also poison enemies to inflict some damage over time, or put them to sleep to dish out one incredible strong waking blow.

Large barrel bomb: The best way to wake up a sleeping monster! Best placed next to an enemy’s head, and best detonated by placing a barrel bomb next to it. Be sure you don’t place the much weaker barrel bomb within range of the monster’s head!

Shock trap: Crafted from thunderbug and trap tool. A trap you set on most terrain to temporarily paralyze a monster that steps onto it. (Note that you can’t find trap tools in the wilderness. You have to buy them.)

Pitfall trap: Crafted from a net (spiderweb + ivy) and trap tools. A trap you can set on most terrain to temporarily paralyze a monster that steps onto it.

Tranq bombs: Crafted from sleep herb and parashroom. Toss two at a monster caught in a trap to capture them. Only works if they’re weakened to the point of limping.

Flash pod: Crafted from flashbugs and launched from your slinger. Temporarily blinds any enemy when it detonates in their line of sight.


While at the crate, ensure you're wearing the Armor and Weapon you need. If you're experiencing difficulty with a creature, check your Menu => Hunter's Notes => Monster Field Guide to ensure you're not using a weapon that the monster has an affinity to. You can also check out a future guide that I will be posting about each of the Monster’s in depth.

Your starting gear is fine for the first few quests. After that, you’ll want to craft something better. Head over to the smithy in Astera and see what your options are. At the early stages of Monster Hunter: World, having some monster bones and iron ore will be sufficient to upgrade your starting weapon to the next level for a small boost to attack.

When it comes to armor, if you’ve been diligently gathering from bone piles, you should have enough monster bones and ancient bones to craft the complete bone armor set, which offers a big bump to defense and also an armor skill that raises your maximum HP. This will be a huge help for early quests.

Get into the habit of stopping by the smithy after felling a new monster or gathering from a new environment, as this will open up a lot of crafting and upgrading options. We’ll talk more about key aspects of weapons and armor in the section of the guide devoted to hunting large monsters.

Tracking Monsters

Scout flies will look for clues as you roam around the map. They will ensure you find a better path to take next time you travel down that specific area. The more tracks you pick up, the faster the scout flies will lead you to the monster you’re hunting.

Large monsters leave telltale signs as they traipse through their environment, whether it’s something as obvious as a footprint or as unusual as a smear of mucous. While running through the wild, your scoutflies will alert you to these in the same text window that lists gatherable items. Examine tracks to increase your familiarity with your mark, eventually fully locking the scoutflies onto its location.

Fighting Monsters

This is easier said than done. Generally, the best place to kill a monster is to aim for the head. But, in the event that you do get killed, try to evade the monster’s attacks so you can find the pattern. Remember, life is just a bunch of patters. Once you master them you will be invincible. When you feel comfortable then you can jump on in to slaughter the monster.

Weak Points: As you poke and slash at your target, you’ll notice damage numbers pop off with each blow. If the numbers appear in orange, you’re hitting a weak spot. These are generally some of the hardest to hit spots, like the head, tail or wings. Once you figure out a weak spot, focus your attacks here. There’s even a chance you’ll break a monster’s body part, increasing your chances of receiving rare materials once the quest is complete. This will be key for crafting powerful gear.

Rage: As you deal damage to your target, they’ll eventually enter a state of rage, where they’ll move faster, hit harder and take less damage. The transition into this state is usually marked with clues like heavy breathing or glowing red eyes. This is the monster’s opportunity to really turn things around. One mistake could spell disaster, so during this time exercise extreme caution until the monster returns to normal.

Exhaustion: Monsters slowly wear themselves out as they attack and move around. Eventually they’ll become exhausted, slowing them down considerably. An additional visual clue is that most monsters will begin to stand around and drool. This is a great time to break out your hardest-hitting combos. Also, the effects of your trick items are extended on an exhausted monsters. That means traps, pods and status effects. This is your opportunity to really turn things around.

Side Tips/ Tricks

  1. Gather everything. Just like any RPG game it is always best to be the hunter AND the gatherer. You can find a variety of things like mushrooms, plants, bugs, and honey - especially honey - on your way. You will need these items to create items later on in the game.

  2. Always stop by Mining Nodes. The ore from these are needed to create weapons and armor.

  3. Find tracks! Even if you've already watched and followed the monster you're hunting, you should still try to pick up tracks as you go on your way. They will give you Research Points, which are needed for a number of activities in Astera, from unlocking new camps to buying rare items.

  4. When choosing your armor don't necessarily stick to one set. Find the mix of armor that suites you the best with which attack style you have. It will benefit you the most to unlock as many sets as possible so that you have that variety. In order to do that, keep fighting monsters.

  5. Find bounties at the Resource Center. This is the best way to get Armor Spheres, which are used to upgrade your armor. There is no other way to upgrade your armor in this game as of now so many sure to continuously grind to acquire these spheres.

  6. You can check out the Botanical Research Center to gather crafting materials.

Blakely, Roy. “Monster Hunter: World Beginner's Guide.” Polygon, Polygon, 28 Jan. 2018.

What's Next

If you are a fan of these guides I am more than happy to publish more in depth guides about monsters, quests, npc's and items. I can also talk about each specific category of armor and which sets are the most beneficial for each category. More #news to come. If you learned something from this guide leave a comment below, give me a follow, but most importantly Steem on :)

-Maré Productions

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