League of Legends Patch 7.23 - New champion (Zoe)

in #gaming7 years ago

Hello there, Steemit Community!

Before I begin on my post, I just wanted to give a huge thank you for the consistent support that I receive from the steemit community, day by day. I am seeing many enjoying my content, to which I am really grateful. But I digress, onto the post!!

Fortnightly, Riot Games implement new changes to League of Legends as a way to reshuffle the META and release new features, skins or champions every once in a while. Today (Well, tomorrow, at the time of writing) brings a whole host of additions to the game, with a clear focus on completely changing the effectiveness of certain runes!

This article will focus on the new champion in depth to discuss the new champion's abilities and playstyle. I will do the buffs, nerfs, skins and gamemodes in another article (most likely, tomorrow's post)

New champion (Zoe)

 "Nobody has to grow up if they don't want to. Or maybe they do. I don't though." 

Zoe, The Aspect of Twilight, will be the last addition of a new champion in 2017 and is a mobile mage that is able to burst down her foes with incredible flair and speed. 

Passive - More Sparkles!

After casting an ability, Zoe's next basic attack or bubble within 5 seconds deals bonus magic damage.

Magic Damage: 17 - 140 (based on level)(+25% of Ability Power) 

This ability is similar to that of Sheen as they both add bonus damage after spell casts. This will give Zoe a slight damage boost and help with damage in the early parts of the game.

Q- Paddle Star 

ACTIVE: Zoe hurls a star in the target direction that collides with the first enemy hit, dealing magic damage in a small area, increased by 0% - 150% (based on distance travelled).If the star does not collide with an enemy, it remains stationary for up to 1 second. Zoe can reactivate Paddle Star at any point to redirect the star to a new location near her, albeit resetting the current damage modifier.Both the initial cast and reactivation will prime More Sparkles!.

Target Range: 800

Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 Mana 

Cooldown: 7.5 / 7 / 6.75 / 6.5 / 6.25 seconds

Minimum Magic Damage: 18 - 140 (based on level) + 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+65% of Ability Power)

Maximum Magic Damage: 45 - 350 (based on level) + 100 / 175 / 250 / 325 / 400 (+162.5% of Ability Power) 

This is clearly the most unique ability as the skillshot is able to completely change direction. The Q will be her most mechanically demanding ability as the direction of the second part of the skillshot is based on her position (Her R will help her on this, more on that later)


W-Spell Thief

PASSIVE: Whenever enemy champions cast a summoner spell or item active, they drop the corresponding Spell Shard onto the ground. Spell Shards last for 40 seconds. Some enemy minions spawn with random Spell Shards that only drop to the ground if killed by Zoe. Collecting a Spell Shard allows Zoe to activate Spell Thief within the next 60 seconds, and she cannot pick up another Shard until she does.

ACTIVE: Zoe mimics the active of the collected Spell Shard.

PASSIVE - SUMMONER SPECIALIST: Casting Spell Thief or one of her own summoner spells grants Zoe bonus movement speed as well as summoning three bubbles that orbit her for a short duration. The bubbles autonomously hurl themselves at nearest enemy, prioritising her attack target, dealing magic damage.

Cooldown: 0.25 second

Bonus Movement Speed: 10 / 25 / 40 / 55 / 70%

Bonus Movement Speed Duration: 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 seconds

Magic Damage per Orb: 23.3 / 38.3 / 53.3 / 68.3 / 83.3 (+16.7% of Ability Power) 

An initially controversial ability, her W grants her the capability to gain free item abilities and summoner spells from deaths of minions or use of an item/summoner spell from an enemy champion.  

E- Sleepy Trouble Bubble

ACTIVE: Zoe kicks a ball that detonates on the first enemy hit, dealing magic damage and making the target Drowsy. After a brief delay, the Drowsy target falls asleep for 2 seconds.Sleeping targets take double damage from the next attack or ability to hit them, up to a cap of Sleepy Trouble Bubble's damage, but are awoken early upon taking damage.The ball's range is doubled when it passes through terrain. If the ball does not hit an enemy, it lingers on the ground as a trap for 4 seconds, which primes after a brief delay.Putting a target to sleep refunds some of Sleepy Trouble Bubble's cooldown.

Target Range: 800

Cost:80 Mana

Cooldown: 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14 seconds

Magic Damage: 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220(+40% of Ability Power)

Cooldown Reduction: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30%

The main engage ability that will be used mainly to help line up Zoe's E once the sleepiness hits the targeted champion. The interesting part of her E is the fact that it turns into an Area Of Effect ability if she missed, meaning that the first enemy champion/minion to step on the AOE zone will still gain the effect, even if they weren't hit initially.

Something else to note is the extended range that the E skillshot is given when passing through a wall (Double the range!!). This further makes her engage more potent and deadly.

R - Portal Jump

ACTIVE: Zoe targets a location and then dives into a portal that she opens beneath her, blinking to the target location after a very brief delay. After 1 second, she falls back through the portal and blinks back to her cast location.Zoe remains able to attack and cast abilities during Portal Jump, and can see over walls, but cannot move.

Target Range: 575

Cost: 50 Mana

Cooldown: 11 / 8 / 5 seconds

Her main mobility ability that will help to give her Q that extended range for an even more burst potential (The further the Q travels, the more damage it does). Its cooldown reduces to only 5 seconds by rank 16, which is extremely short for a useful ultimate like this. 

Here is a short clip (From Riot Games, not me!) on Zoe in game. Her high damage and use of Q is particularly highlighted in these plays, with her E and R helping to set up the best shot for her Q

On Zoe's Release, an Epic skin (1350RP) will be released for her, which will be called Cyberpunk Zoe. This skin has a digital theme, similar to the Arcade Line of skins (her splash art is shown below)

And that is all for the new champion, Zoe! I want to make my content somewhat able for all readers to consume, whether they are LOL pros or people who have zero idea of the game. Therefore, to space out the content, I will touch on the more advanced patch notes and changes in the next post (Tomorrow, fingers crossed!)

Thanks for reading, always appreciated! 



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