
I'm also pretty sure that no matter how much the human race evolves, idiots will always make a big portion of it. The worst part is when these idiots try to convince others with feeble minds that their views are the right ones.

Wasn't it enough that videogames were the cause of all the US school shootings, now it's racism too?

It's not games specifically. They'll latch on to any hobby to push whatever narrative it is. There will always be people that want to control others. Some time ago, it was en vogue to virtue signal regarding "muh satanism" and "muh violence", now ... "muh racism", "muh sexism" and other buzzwords make one persona non grata. Just different sides of the same coin. These people must be opposed, as far as I'm concerned.

Absolutely. I remember the controversy from both idiotic sides surrounding the Wonder Woman movie ("finally a superhero movie with a powerful woman as lead" and "that movie treated men as crap"). The movie totally sucked, I don't care about the rest.

Now it's Black Panther, but for racism ("finally a great superhero movie with a lead character that isn't white").

Blargh! People!

Well, men in general, are treated worse, though I cannot speak for that movie, haven't seen it. But I doubt it is the case there. With Black Panther, people are touting it as some second coming of Jesus for black people, because it's black people in a black country, who do black things (I don't even know what this is supposed to mean) minding their own black business... So... alt-right the movie... but black? Alt-right are racist, but this is, oh so progressive. The double-think is ridiculous. Also... there already was a black superhero before, and was much better... he's called Blade!

I remembered Blade as I was writing my previous comment, but for some reason no one seems to mention that, because that would make their point somewhat invalid, right? Or these people are just too young to even remember that.

But let's not mention Blade: Trinity. Ever.

It's not that they're young. They have an agenda to push.

PS: I meant Blade 1 ant, to some extent 2... Definitely not 3 ... that was garbage

Yeah, that video says it all. It's all a business to her, a lame call to fame and fortune. I prefer to ignore the news, they're bad for anyone's sanity.

That reminds me of the Weinstein scandal. Sure, there were some victims, sadly, but now everyone was abused, boo hoo? Why didn't they press charges when they weren't, you know, filthy rich and famous actresses thanks to taking advantage of the "opportunity"? Just turn and walk away, there are more jobs in the world?

We're coming to a point when even flirting, romancing a woman can be considered a crime, thanks to these statements. Everyone's abused nowadays.

Sure, but media is still influencing people, and they have no idea what they're talking about. And I'm here to counter that. And the #metoo shit is utter garbage. At best 0.05% of them were abused. The rest are just whores that sucked cock for fame and money. That's prostitution, not abuse. Nothing wrong with it, just own it!

PS: NBC has an actual policy on how to hug coworkers. In Canada you can face prison for refusing to use someone's pronouns, and I'm not talking about just he/she, but the lunacy of xe/ze/otherkin and whatever the fuck. So your last statement is underselling it. Hence, #FeminismIsCancer #BetterDeadThanRed

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