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RE: Kingdom Come: Deliverance is supposedly racist, now

in #gaming7 years ago

I agree it's ridiculous, and it's not only in games. It seems that the last form of acceptable racism is towards white folk. I, for one, don't give a rat's ass about 'muh race'. Make a cool game that's believable with great characters and I'll play it. And for a game that's centered around 1400s Bohemia, believable means white people. Am I wrong in that assessment? You're from the are and probably know more of the history. I know that my country, who had often battles with the turks, was, and still is mostly white. Nothing racist about portraying it accurately.

But let the social "justice" brigade screech, they're just destroying franchises. Everything that succumbs to it, honestly becomes garbage. These days, only indies seem to stand up for themselves, and guess what gaming scene is still great? :p


Well, indies, I guess? :D

Today I'm going to buy the game just because it's a game made by Czech studio from the Czech environment, and even one person who contributed it (mainly music) was my teacher at the university. I didn't particularly watch the development of the game only my boyfriend mentioned that Vávra was accused of racism, which I found disgusting. When there is no black man, Asian, gay, etc. in a movie or series, everyone is losing their mind about it. But it doesn't belong to our history! Of course there are normal, non-white people, who don't care but nobody hear about them! And it is the fact that the biggest racists are those people only, so why they don't make their own game without white people?

I'm looking forward to the game, and I'm really curious about its gameplay and concept of Czech history. I heard that it is buggy, but they will fix it once :D I will just miss Czech dubbing. Perhaps at least the subtitles will be as great as in Witcher 3 :)

As mentioned in the post, I'll be buying it as well, just to support developers that don't just bend over to SJWs. Unfortunately, I cannot afford it now, but I vow to buy it at some point, even if I will never play it. I have no idea how the game plays, all I know it's supposed to be quite realistic and historically accurate.

They don't make their own game because they suck at that. They have to come in and ruin what other people enjoy.. because it's "offensive". I frankly don't give a shit what race / sexual orientation characters have, if it's a good story and / or gameplay, all is good. But when you start preaching and force "diversity" up my throat, I refuse to support it. I'm there to have fun, not to hear some SJW sermon.

I agree with you. I also don't care about race or sexual orientation, but it is still funny to see when some series has at least one of each. And I would sound like some pervert, but I liked sexuality, e.g., in Dragon Age Inquisition and the first character I was dating was gay Dorian (my character was male). It just happened... :D

I played the KCD yesterday for an hour, and I'll make a post about it :) The game is not perfect, and gameplay is different from other RPGs, so I'll see how much I'll like it.

Sure, sexuality is fun. In fact, I hate that most western media is so devoid of it, and other stuff, that it's basically boring. That's why anime, GoT, The Witcher and other stuff that tackle that sort of stuff are so successful. Nothing wrong with sex, if you ask me. I don't care for gays either. If done right, and the characters react to each other normally, fine. I just don't want it force-fed to me. Like it was in an isometric RPG, where there was one trans character and is just went ooon and ooon about how it was hard growing up and it transitioned, bla bla bla. Don't preach to me about it, and it's all good... basically :)

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