[SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - Mission Complete Chapter 03 Map 03 ( Billingual ) #18

in #gaming7 years ago


Hey gamers and steemian friends all back again with me @thespecialone where for 3 days I did not post my games articles on my blog where I was out of town my work activities and I was busy with my job there so did not bring computer because I'm all writing and playing games on the computer because the computer is hard to carry everywhere and so I can not write about games, and for today I will write games about yesterday as well and this to continue "mission to chapter 03 map 02 | Goku's alive ?! Quick, save krillin "on games" DragonBall Fighter Z "and can directly see his review below !!!

And after yesterday goku tried to fight with clone goku and return to capsule plane which brought by bulma and in mission "chapter 03 map 03" this where goku will try to fight again with "tien" which where goku original win the battle and in this folder and chapter goku will fight again with "clone tien" which will be fun which where goku will try again its power against its enemies again after amnesia yesterday and just direct me against "krillin clone" and we just destroyed the "clone tien" is.

And when it's in the fight and I get a description before the match and the description is "The best offense is a good defense | perform two standing guards! | Time (left) on analog with the opponent's attack "and goku directly against and hit tsi clone tien and he had little difficulty fighting goku and goku directly hit the tien and while already beating and hit the head of the tien because goku hit the tien from ara behind and when it hit and it turns tien not stay silent he immediately hit back from goku and goku a little pain because the damage that resulted by the tien is very high or very large and goku directly reply by issuing the mainstay goku and tien directly die and goku managed to defeat "clone tien"

When I finished the battle against the "clone tien" at the end of the fight I could see the description of the "fight result" in which the contents of the "result of the fight" are:

1. Earned: 50

2. Fight EXP: 200

3. Victory: 800

4. Total EXP: 1000

After already fighting against the "Clone tien" and goku straight back into "chapter 03 map 03" to continue the next goku journey and the next goku journey is to fight and fight with "clone piccolo" which is the second fight in this chapter which in the previous chapter we only fight 1 battle but in this chapter like we are very much against the enemies of "clone" that will help goku restore its state and restore its strength again become strong and we just fight it.

And when I was in a battle arena where I had read the description and the content was "You've got this, c'mon, let's go! | this art of battle | distance yourself from your opponent with a backstep! "And after I read it I immediately attacked the" clone piccolo "and its strange ones in which our blood does not increase, and here our blood is still in connection with the rest of the blood we have fought before against the" clone tien " so when goku against the "clone piccolo" which where my blood stayed a little so no longer need to wait to spend "clone piccolo" goku directly hit the clone piccolo with his angry power and against clone piccolo he dare not hit back goku and goku directly do the attack in succession and goku again won the battle.

At the end of this fight I have said before we can read and see the "result games" that is:

1. Earned: 70

2. Fight EXP: 250

3. Victory EXP: 700

4. Total EXP: 1020

And after finishing against the "clone piccolo" where the piccolo clone is not too strong and he is weak against the goku and he is powerless against my goku because the strength of the goku is getting stronger and harder to fight against him and when it is against the piccolo clone and I immediately return again to the chapter 03 folder menu to continue the mission in chapter 03 again and his next mission is to fight 2 enemies clone and his enemy is "Clone Tien and Clone Yamcha" which where we here directly fight and fight with 2 enemies at once and I just fight it and we just destroy the enemy with the power goku his true.

And the first one we will face is "clone tien" and in this fight if clone tien can not fight goku and clone tien directly call his friend that is "clone yamcha" and if they are not strong fight goku alone they will do combo beating and i just fight him and when the clone tien was silent and filling his blood, goku directly forward and goku directly hit him when goku hit his damage produced by goku punch is now very high and only 2 times beating of clone tien blood clone tien direct live a little and they instantly change and when the direct replacement clonal yamacha advanced hit goku and clone blow yamacha very strong and blood goku almost half gone and right then goku immediately issue super saiya stance and directly attack them with the japan mainstay and in this fight again - again goku win the game.

And after completing the attack against the two clones of the enemy and his enemy is "Clone Tien and Clone Yamacha" description "result games" namely:

1. Earned: 200

2. Fight EXP: 800

3. Victory EXP: 1800

4. Total EXP: 2800

And after finishing against all the clone enemies in "chapter 03 map 02" I went straight back to the chapter 3 folder and immediately searched for "krillin" and when I met the "krillin" where goku meet him on a mountain where krillin is helpless and goku directly approached krillin and goku directly speak by saying "it's krillin !! We found him !! Is that a clone ?! "And when the goku came to the krillin and it came a tien clone that would kill the krillin and right then goku speak" No! It's going after krillin! I've gotta save him! "And right then direct goku against the" krillin clone "where he will kill the original krillin.

And just hit back and open the battle against the "krillin clone" and once in the game we again get a notice on this game before the game is "Master your special moves! | Perform a powered - up special move! "And immediately I went very fast and when it was forward and goku disappeared behind the" krillin clone "and when it was behind the clone krillin goku directly hit from behind and do a beating in a row and when it has hit successively clone krillin is helpless when hit by goku and finally goku can destroy and kill krillin clone.

And after that description of "result game" that is:

1. Earned: 100

2. Fight EXP: 360

3. Victory EXP: 980

4. Total ExP: 1440

So many of my writing about this game which I have completed in "Chapter 03 Map 02" on the games "dragonballs fighter Z" and so many of my blog posts here and do not forget to follow @thespecialone and do not forget to comment also and give your opinion about this game and give a comment which according to you what is suitable for my review for future article, and until here just writing my game to meet at other time !!!


Hai sahabat gamers dan steemian semua nya , kembali lagi dengan saya @thespecialone yang di mana sudah 3 hari saya tidak memposting artikel games di blog saya yang di mana saya sedang di luar kota kegiatan pekerjaan saya dan saya sibuk dengan pekerjaan saya di sana jadi tidak membawa computer karena saya semua menulis dan bermain games di computer di karenakan computer susah di bawa ke mana – mana dan jadi saya tidak bisa menulis tentang games , dan untuk di hari ini saya akan menulis games tentang yang kemarin juga dan ini untuk melanjutkan “ mission ke chapter 03 map 02 | Goku’s alive?! Quick , save krillin “ pada games “ DragonBall Fighter Z “ dan bisa langsung melihat review nya di bawah ini!!!

Dan setelah kemarin goku sudah mencoba bertarung dengan clone goku dan kembali ke pesawat capsule yang di bawa oleh bulma dan di mission “ chapter 03 map 03 “ ini yang di mana goku akan mencoba bertarung lagi dengan “ Tien “ yang di mana goku yang asli yang memenangkan pertarungan tersebut dan di map dan chapter ini goku akan melawan lagi dengan  “ clone tien “ yang di mana akan seru yang di mana goku akan mencoba lagi kekuatan nya melawan musuh – musuh nya lagi sehabis amnesia kemarin dan langsung saja saya melawan “ clone krillin “ dan langsung saja kita musnah kan si “clone tien “ tersebut.

Dan saat sudah di dalam pertarungan dan saya mendapatkan sebuah keterangan sebelum bertanding dan keterangan tersebut adalah “ The best offense is a good defense | perform two standing guards! | Time ( arah kiri ) pada analog with the opponent’s attack “ dan goku langsung melawan dan memukul tsi clone tien dan dia sedikit kesulitan melawan goku dan goku langsung melakukan pukulan ke arah tien dan saat sudah melakukan pemukulan dan mengenai kepala dari tien karena goku memukul tien dari ara belakang dan saat sudah memukul dan ternyata tien tidak tinggal diam dia langsung membalas pukulan dari goku dan goku sedikit kesakitan karena damage yang di hasil kan oleh tien sangat tinggi atau sangat besar dan goku langsung membalas dengan mengeluarkan jurus andalan goku dan tien langsung mati dan goku berhasil mengalahkan “ clone tien “

Saat sudah selesai pertarungan melawan “ clone tien “ di akhir pertarungan saya bisa melihat keterangan “ result pertarungan “ yang di mana isi dari “ result pertarungan “ yaitu :

1.Earned : 50

2.Fight EXP : 200

3.Victory : 800

4.Total EXP : 1000

Setelah sudah melakukan pertarungan melawan “ Clone tien “ dan goku langsung kembali ke dalam “ chapter 03 map 03 “ untuk melanjutkan perjalan goku selanjutnya dan perjalan goku selanjutnya adalah melawan dan bertarung dengan  “ clone piccolo “ yang di mana ini adalah pertarungan yang kedua di chapter ini yang di mana pada chapter sebelumnya kita hanya melawan 1 pertarungan saja tetapi di chapter ini seperti nya kita sangat  banyak melawan musuh – musuh “ clone “ yang akan membantu goku memulihkan keadaan nya dan memulihkan kekuatan nya lagi menjadi kuat dan langsung saja kita melawan nya.

Dan saat sudah berada dalam sebuah arena pertarungan yang di mana saya telah membaca keterangan tersebut dan isi keterangan tersebut adalah “ You’ve got this, c’mon , let’s go! | this art of battle | distance yourself from your opponent with a backstep! “ dan setelah saya membaca nya saya langsung melakukan penyerangan terhadap “ clone piccolo “ tersebut dan yang aneh nya yang di mana darah kita tidak bertambah , dan di sini darah kita masih di sambungkan dengan sisa darah yang sudah kita bertarung sebelum nya melawan “ clone tien “ jadi saat goku melawan “ clone piccolo “ yang di mana darah saya tinggal sedikit jadi tidak perlu menunggu lama lagi untuk menghabiskan “ clone piccolo “ goku langsung memukul si clone piccolo tersebut dengan kekuatan marah nya dan saat melawan clone piccolo dia tidak berani memukul kembali goku dan goku langsung melakukan penyerangan berturut – turut dan goku kembali memenangkan pertarungan tersebut.

Di akhir pertarungan ini yang sudah saya katakan sebelumnya kita bisa membaca dan melihat “ result games “ yaitu :

1.Earned : 70

2.Fight EXP : 250

3.Victory EXP : 700

4.Total EXP : 1020

Dan setelah selesai melawan “ clone piccolo “ yang di mana clone piccolo tidak terlalu kuat dan dia sanga lemah melawan goku dan dia tidak berdaya melawan goku karena kekuatan goku semakin kuat dan susah untuk bisa melawan nya dan saat sudah melawan clone piccolo tadi dan saya langsung kembali lagi ke menu map chapter 03 untuk melanjutkan mission di chapter 03 ini lagi dan mission nya yang selanjutnya adalah melawan 2 musuh clone dan musuh nya yaitu “ Clone Tien dan Clone  Yamcha “ yang di mana kita di sini langsung melawan dan bertarung dengan 2 musuh sekaligus dan langsung saja saya melawan nya dan langsung saja kita hancurkan musuh tersebut dengan kekuatan goku sesungguh nya.

Dan yang pertama yang akan kita hadapi yaitu “ clone tien “ dan pada pertarungan ini jika clone tien tidak sanggup melawan goku dan clone tien langsung memanggil kawan nya yaitu “ clone yamcha “ dan jika mereka tidak kuat melawan goku sendirian mereka akan melakukan combo pemukulan dan saya langsung saja melawan nya dan saat clone tien sedang diam dan mengisi darah dia , goku langsung maju dan goku langsung memukul nya saat goku memukul nya damage yang di hasilkan oleh pukulan goku sekarang sudah sangat tinggi dan baru 2 kali pemukulan terhadap clone tien darah clone tien langsung tinggal sedikit dan mereka langsung perganti dan saat pergantian langsung clone yamacha yang maju memukul goku dan pukulan clone yamacha sangat kuat dan darah goku hampir setengah hilang dan saat itu juga goku langsung mengeluarkan jurus super saiya nya dan langsung menyerang mereka dengan jurus andalan dan di pertarungan ini lagi – lagi goku memenangkan pertandingan tersebut.

Dan setelah selesai melakukan penyerangan melawan 2 clone musuh dan musuhnya yaitu “ Clone Tien dan Clone Yamacha “ keterangan “ result games “ yaitu :

1.Earned : 200

2.Fight EXP : 800

3.Victory EXP : 1800

4.Total EXP : 2800

Dan setelah selesai melawan semua musuh clone yang ada di “ chapter 03 map 02 “ ini saya langsung kembali ke map chapter 3 dan langsung mencari “ krillin “ dan saat sudah berjumpa dengan “ krillin “ yang di mana goku jumpa nya di sebuah gunung yang di mana krillin sudah tidak berdaya dan goku langsung menghampiri krillin dan goku langsung berbicara dengan mengatakan “ it’s krillin!! We found him!! Is that a clone?! “ dan saat goku sudah menghampiri krillin dan ternyata datang sebuah clone tien yang akan membunuh krillin dan saat itu juga goku berbicara “ No! It’s going after krillin! I’ve gotta save him! “ dan saat itu juga goku langsung melawan “ clone krillin “ yang di mana dia akan membunuh krillin yang asli.

Dan langsung saja goku melawan dan membuka pertarungan melawan “ clone krillin “ dan saat sudah berada di dalam pertandingan tersebut kita lagi – lagi mendapatkan sebuah pemberitahuan pada games ini sebelum melakukan pertandingan yaitu “ Master  your special moves! | Perform a powered – up special move! “  dan langsung saja saya maju dengan sangat cepat dan saat sudah maju dan goku langsung menghilang ke belakang “ clone krillin “ dan saat sudah berada di belakang clone krillin goku langsung memukul dari belakang dan melakukan pemukulan berturut – turut dan saat sudah memukul berturut – turut clone krillin tidak berdaya saat di pukul oleh goku dan akhirnya goku bisa menghancurkan dan membunuh clone krillin.

Dan setelah itu keterangan “ result game “ yaitu :

1.Earned : 100

2.Fight EXP : 360

3.Victory EXP : 980

4.Total ExP : 1440

For those who have not read my article before it can be seen below :

  1. [ Game technology ] who wins between playstation 1 vs playstation 2? [ENG - IND ] #1
  2. [ Game technology ] You choose which one between playstation 3 and XBOX 360? #2 (Billingual)
  3. [ Game technology ] Choose which one of the Playstation 4 and Xbox One X are the champions? ( Billingual ) #3
  5. [SteemGC] TOP 10 GAMES FREE ON ANDROID ( Billingual )
  6. [ Game review with computer ] Crash Time II - introductions to these games and tutorial games ( Billingual )
  7. [SteemGC] Tank Force - Fight Tank 5 VS 5 On " STEAM " ( Billingual ) #1
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  9. [SteemGC] TOP 4 GAMES MOBA ( Multiplayer Online Battle Arena ) For Android and IOS ( Billingual ) #3
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  11. [SteemGC] Hellrider 2 - Games Android With " NOX application " ( Billingual ) #5
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  15. [SteemGC] Snowboard Party World Tour / Party 2 - First Tutorial " NOX Application " ( Billingual ) #9
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  17. [SteemGC] Metal Gear Solid V - Mission Complete ( Billingual ) #11
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  20. [SteemGC] Sniper Fury - Game on Steam ( Billingual ) #14
  21. [SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - " Goku ( Super Saiya ) VS Android 16 " First Battle in Game ( Billingual ) #15
  22. [SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - Super Warrior ( Billingual ) #16
  23. [SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - Complete Super Warriors Chapter 2 ( Billingual ) #17

And this is my article about games on " Narutto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 " :

  1. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - The fight against Masked Man ( Billingual ) #1
  2. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - Battle against monsters " Nine Tail's " ( Billingual ) #2
  3. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - The end has been completed on the first mission ( Billingual ) #3

Articles about Games Monster Hunter World Playstation 4 :

  1. [ Game Review with Playstation 4 ] Monster Hunter World - The first introduction to this game ( Billingual ) #1
  2. [ Game Review with Playstation 4 ] Monster Hunter World - Has completed the first mission ( Billingual ) #2

Sekian dari tulisan saya tentang games ini yang di mana saya sudah menyelesaikan di “ Chapter 03 Map 02 “ di tentang games “ dragonballs fighter Z “ dan sekian dari penulisan artikel blog games saya di sini dan jangan lupa untuk follow @thespecialone dan jangan lupa untuk comment juga dan berikan pendapat anda tentang games ini dan berikan sebuah comment yang menurut anda apa saja yang cocok untuk saya review untuk artikel kedepan nya , dan sampai di sini saja penulisan games saya sampai ketemu di lain waktu!!!


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