Leech enemies in "Nobody saves the World"

in #gaming18 days ago

Ok, so I'm about 10 hours in on this game and have only kind of scratched the surface of everything it has to offer. Thus far I have been really impressed with everything about this game but I have encountered one particular enemy that seems a bit, how to say, full of crap.

There is always one or two enemies in every game that is kind of senselessly difficult just for the sake of being difficult and in this game, the common enemy that definitely takes this prize is the "leech enemies" that you will start to encounter right around level 10 or so.


Enemies are pretty straight forward in this game and things mostly operate on a "do more damage than is being done to you" sort of way until you get to parts of the game where you have to "ward break" an enemy's defenses in order to hurt them at all. This just means that your regular attack might not do any damage at all until you use a different color of attack to break their "ward." Once this is broken all attacks will cause damage. It's not overly complicated and this is part of what I like about this game. Combat is pretty easy but if you are doing it wrong you are going to figure this out pretty quickly because of the "tink tink tink" sound that it makes kind of like you were hitting a piece of steel with small stones.

That is all fun and games until you encounter the leech enemies.

[src](screen grab)

The leech enemy as far as I know doesn't have an official name but it looks like a leech so that is what I am calling it. These enemies are a true pain in the ass because they utilize magic to constantly drain your HP even if you are nowhere near them. Their magic goes through walls and can affect you from quite far away. Thankfully, the devs appear to have been careful to not place these guys in places where you cannot possibly reach them such as through the wall in a cave that you can't access the other side. They DO, however, sometimes end up in such a place if you have accidentally dragged them there.

Whenever you encounter these enemies, even if there are a slew of other enemies in front of them it is of vital importance that you deal with them very quickly. I have found that the turtle form is quite good at dealing with this because they have the ability to bash right through all enemies that are standing in the way. Also, the turtle has a built in stun ability with the main attack that will halt their super-magic-drain-attack that follows you no matter where you go.

Even if you have to take a lot of damage to reach them, do it anyway. Because if you don't they are going to continue to drain your HP until you are dead. I haven't yet encountered any ability that can counter this although I have been told to some degree that a zombie character, which I only just received, has some sort of defense against it.

They are used sparingly in most of the game but during certain bosses they will spawn in a tricky little area that is away from the main grouping of other enemies. This is a "trick" because you are most likely going to head towards the big group that spawned even though the real danger just spawned away from all the others and it is the thing that is going to do the most damage to you since the attack is not affected by proximity, nor can it be blocked. Especially if there is multiple leeches present, you better get over there immediately and take care of them first.

most attacks are area specific and the weaker enemies depend entirely on melee range attacks that are easily avoided.

There have been many forum posts that I have been reading about how this particular enemy made them quit the game but while they are a pain and a nuisance, they aren't unfair. You just need to prioritize them as a target as soon as you notice they are there.


In this instance, for example, you might feel compelled to just run away because there isn't much incentive to fight them but you better! They will follow you relentlessly draining your health from afar and since there are 4 of them in this situation, it isn't going to take them very long to reduce you to zero.

You can mitigate a lot of the damage by paying money to vendors to up your magic defense but honestly, in this case the best defense is a quick and ruthless offense.

Regaining health isn't that difficult to pull off if you have some time so just get in there all gung-ho and accept that you are going to take some hits in the process.

With the turtle, I like to supplement my normal skill with the horse skill called "gallop." This can break any purple ward that they might have. I have not yet encountered the leeches having some sort of BS ward that is some strange sort of attack that isn't often used by anyone, but I would be willing to bet that this is being saved for later.


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