Growing more figs!

in #garden7 years ago

It's the dead of winter here and my Turkey fig just decided to wake up. After bringing it indoors in late October it had been dormant for a couple of months. Once I noticed buds beginning to green up I realized someone had watered it. Oh well I decided to just let it grow. Growing in absurdly awkward directions the tree needed some pruning. Fig trees are pretty simple to propagate so I thought why not get some more trees! I'm going to share the method I used to root the cuttings I took.

First take cuttings- Generally while pruning you're trying to shape the tree and promote/control growth . I chose an open center shape. Choosing branches that crossed or grew towards the center I took 4-5 cuttings. You want newer growth but not the green stems as the photo shows. Clean cuts using sharp shears or a razor blade will help with rooting.


Pen used for reference as to the size of cutting made. As you can see you should take cuttings that have some growth occurring at the tip and several buds along the stem. After this simply place them growth up into a jar of water. Place the jar where it gets some light but not directly. After 4 weeks or so I began seeing roots peeking out from the stems.




Allow the roots to grow for 2 more weeks or so and transfer to soil medium. I will have a progress update once more growth occurs.

Thanks for stopping by!


Have you tried growing / propogade something else with this method?

I've used this simple method with several herbs such as Thai basil and mints. Thanks for stopping by!

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