Ragtag Garden, Part 13

in #gardening7 years ago

We have several developments since the last update.


The blooms have mostly dried, so we'll see if they turn into zukes. This picture is to show how much the runt has grown. It's the far left plant.


The tomato is still going strong. I think it's filling out a little. I just make sure it gets plenty of water. I'm also on the lookout for more blooms, which shows promise.

Sweet Banana Pepper

The peppers are looking great! All THREE of them. Can you find the new one? Plus, there's a fourth one that should show up in the next day or so.

Pole Beans

The beans are also doing well. Many of the vines have reached the second rung of the cages and a few overachievers have made it to the top one. The foliage is filling in, too.



I added a few more short supports to the rigging. They're easier to see from the back side. I ran a line low for the plants in the back of the outer buckets. They're already better for it. I also added a line between the two upright orange stakes to handle the height those plants are gaining. I'm very pleased to see the rigging is working so well.



I think I've got the earwig situation under control. (Knock wood...) I went out last night just after dark to check on any activity. There weren't nearly as many as I was seeing at first, plus the ones I did see were smaller. I'll take that as a sign of progress and continue to monitor.

We had had some rain, so I needed to re-apply the Diatomaceous Earth just to be on the safe side. Before I did, though, I trimmed back some of the damaged leaves, most of which were in contact with the rim of the bucket.

The individual pics of the cabbage and sprouts are to help spot any new damage if it shows up.





Brussels Sprouts

The brussels sprouts got the same treatment as the cabbage. I had always planned on trimming some leaves on these guys, but not this soon nor for this reason. I think they'll be okay in the long run.





Stay Tuned For The Next Installment - Coming Soon!


It started here - Reclaiming The Backyard Firepit.
Which turned into this - Ragtag Garden.

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good luck with the earwigs!

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Just jumping over to check on you. I see you left some replies yesterday. Makes me feel better.

Thanks, bud! Took a mini-breather, plus was fighting with uploading videos to YouTube yesterday. Got disgusted & went to do other stuff. Better now. ;~D

I just noticed this message but saw you posted today. Yes, Youtube can be a pain. My internet bandwidth is pretty much shot while I upload videos. May have to start doing that while I am sleeping.

Ack! That IS a pain.

YT is cherry picking which videos it will acknowledge and upload... with all the vids coming from the same camera. Grrrrr...

And technology is supposed to make things easier... [eye roll]

Looking brilliant, its like watching your babies grow isn't it, I won't let anyone touch my pots and plants lol

Yup, it is! It's amazing how satisfying that sense of accomplishment is, too.

It is, I look at it thinking I did that :) my babies lol

I dropped by again to see what is happening with you and your yard !!

I like that support system you have rigged up and I have not recalled seeing two cages put together the way you have them, I am sure it is common, I have just never seen it.

Hi bud! It's coming along nicely, I think.

I swiped the double-decker cage idea from my brother-in-law. He's a machinist... figures he'd think of something like that. Works well. I'm just hoping it'll be tall enough. Those beans can reach 8 feet in height!

Today on my daily limp, I saw a food grade bucket at the end of a driveway since tonite in my area it is recycling out nite.

Thought of you and this whole thing you have pioneered and made your own.

It's fun to re-purpose stuff like this! Gets the imagination cranked up...

We scavenged 2 storm doors this week I can use for other things too!! They make great tops for cold frames in the ground!!!

Also they make good lean to type houses for lawnmowers and stuff like that.

And if you lean them 90 degrees long ways like a lean to over your basement windows also good.

Oh and if you have low to the ground windows on a unit or off a deck, you can leave the screen windows on the house open, lean 2 of these against that area, keeps the rain out, but airflow is good.


I've seen them used for the cold frames a lot. Never seen them used the other ways, but makes sense in those situations.

Hey is Tinker recovered from the celebration hangover yet??




She's getting there. She woke me up at 9 for her breakfast and a trip outside. Other than that, she's been sleeping all day.

I'm jealous. I have to go out on a visit in a half hour or so. Would rather stay home than fight Sunday night traffic.

Deb, I just put up my 2k followers post like 2d ago, and now over 2100.

Where are they all coming from LOL!!!

Are you finding the same since your 500 post?

Remember I was saying a couple mths ago to you once you hit 500 it seems to take off???

Sorry, not related to your post in the least but figured I talk to you about this stuff LOL

Nite my friend.

Stupid Adulting.

I hate it.


And I missed why you have the Diatom. Earth in your garden... and I need to know why!!!!

Earwig invasion. My fault for building them a spa (wet, dark mulch) and a buffet (cabbage and brussels sprouts). They were feasting on all six buckets.


Great to know, that stuff actually does a LOT. Did you know it is used in water purification etc?????

It adds trace elements back into the purification and de-fluoridation process.

Unrelated I saw a HUGE hawk in my daily limp y-day!!!!

It was perched after it flew over me, in a tree. This TINY sparrow sized bird decided to dive bomb it from another branch and this hawk never even flinched, it was something to see as I stood and beheld this sight.

I didn't know about that particular use, but I know it's very versatile. Cool info!

Awesome to catch that kind of action in the 'wild'. Love watching hawks - especially when they get some good thermals to ride.

I water my plants about half the time too with my special non fluoridated water LOL.

I collect rain water too but it is so polluted now from the air....


Thanks for the update, good to hear you may have got the upper hand in your earwig war!

Thanks! So far, so good...

You have a great garden. My cats used my tomato patch for a litter box so I've got to replant mine. lol The only one that survived was the bucket ones like yours. It's such a great idea those buckets.

Thanks, hon.

OMG... I shouldn't laugh, but... well, they were following your lead.

You dug in the dirt,
left something behind, and
then covered it up.

I sorry for your poor plants, though. What a way to go!

I do think there's a home-made spray to keep them out in the future... some kind of garlic mixture if memory serves. I'll have to look it up & let you know.

Looking good! Cheering your zucchinis on!

Today I harvested the remaining spaghetti squash and zuchinnis. I pulled out the vines and tilled the soil and planted French beans and more carrots. Tomorrow I want to go buy more herbs for the borders. :)
Have a great weekend!

spaghetti squash are great, been on about them for years but friends are skeptical haha.


Envious of the spaghetti squash. They're so good. Being fun to prepare is just a bonus. ;~p

Have a great time shopping!

Yes they are!
I am crossing my fingers and toes your blooms take and you can enjoy the fruits of your labor soon!
Thank you and have a great night!

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