Primula Malacoides: Fairy Primrose

in #gardening6 years ago

The fairy Primrose creates a wonderful display when planted in masses and is the perfect multicolored flower for your winter garden.

Primula malacoides is part of the Primulaceae family, are herbaceous and native to Europe and Asia. There are over 400 species of Primulas. They create a spectacular picture of colour in flower beds, containers and hanging baskets.

This dainty plant grows 30cm high with a 20cm width. The leaves are bright green, frilly and furry, and forms a rosette. The plant blooms during winter and early spring. It has tiers with clusters of flowers and each flower consists of five heart shaped petals. They come in single or multiple coloured blooms of white, rose, pink, lavender and purple.

The Fairy Primrose thrives in a cooler climates and shady areas, in rich organic moist soil. They need a soluble multifeed about every six weeks, regular watering and dead heading is important.

These flowers will come up all over your garden during autumn as they are prolific self seeders. They are adored by butterflies and other insects.


O Flower!
© Sarthi

Published: June 2009

O flower! Attired in pure natural innocence,
Thou are ignorant of thy enchanting aroma,
Unaware of thy Charm,
Dances freely with flirtious breeze,
Hardly cares about world's joy and sorrow,
Thou are neither selfish nor altruistic
Full of Self yet so Selfless!

I am fascinated by your tranquil disposition,
At dawn thou bath in sun's rays,
Flirt with colorful butterfly,
Fall a deep sleep in afternoon warmth.
Enjoy melodious sound of chirping birds

Thou lover, up there - the sky,
Gazes you with intense admiration,
He kisses you tenderly through his winds,
Thou spread thy fragrances in his arms,
He grows enamored of thy presence,
What a beautiful bond!

Thy fall comes - autumn arrives,
Still thou remain full of life as ever before,
Not worried; not shaken a bit
Simply falls, without uttering a
Single word to your lover to save you
from getting withered.

Thou unconditional acceptance is captivating,
O soft hearted beauty, thy passive life is
Exquisite treasure of green emotions.


Happy Gardening!!

Image Credit

Keep smiling, reading, writing and voting!!


i liked the pictures.Where is that place exactly,in the last picture...tree with surrounding flowers ?

I see you take priority in creating a good image of yourself. A wise man once said "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it." Keep up the

Wow, this beautiful flower, I really like the color.

What a nice pic it is

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