
@ocrdu thank you for watching the video
vertical filmer lol
these bees are cute
they don't sting :D
he was probably nervous as I'm freaking huge

No, you're not, you're tiny 8-P. They can sting, but they won't unless you really annoy them. Friendly little beasts.
There's a woman in the local insektenwerkgroep who knows eveything about bees, I see her next Tuesday to exchange some photos, I'll ask her.

@ocrdu oh please do thank you very very much already!

She couldn't tell the exact species from your video, unfortunately. She says "sorry" 8-).
Here are some bee photos I took last weekend, you may like them:

@ocrdu it's alright @afrog gave me the answer they're mining bees
he posted it on the comment
but hey, thank you very very much for checking it out still

Yes, I know, but there are very many species of those.

@ocrdu he also included it on his reply - with a link - it was blued but I forgot
Every day those guys say hello to me
and I have to deal with them everyday!
for two weeks probably .. from what I know they don't live long .. you'll see - later on :D

Andrena is a genus, not a species; there are over 1400 kinds of Andrena, 600 in Europe alone! Here's one I saw over the weekend, an Andrena vaga:

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