Knotilus Daily Pond

in #gardening2 years ago


Hey there!!

What a pretty pink sky we get around here sometimes! Often it only lasts for 2.5 minutes and I have to run like a crazy lady toward the pond to catch it!

Sometimes I do snap a good one and sometimes I miss it.
Such is life I suppose!

I’ve been putting sunflower seeds out for the birds on the big rock. The juncos come in droves every day for them, realistically though I’m trying to attract crows!! Corvids in general are some of my favourite creatures on this planet. They’re so intelligent and help protect the garden and many of those who dwell there. Though admittedly they’ll eat some of those creatures too! 😂
They fight off certain predators with ferocity, keeping the ducks a bit safer from owls, eagles and hawks at the very least. I’m not sure how they feel about mink yet, but I’m curious to see that interaction as well.

The sunflower seeds have been doing a good job so far of attracting birds to the area. This lone crow had a great time snacking.


I have a family of three crows that live here and visit around the yard regularly, this one in the tree seems larger and is usually alone. A mature male perhaps.

I love to paint them too. I’ve done several paintings of crows and ravens, this one is from a couple years back. I think I’m due for another soon for sure.


I collected some rocks a while back from the beach. Just some basic gray round ones. I decided to make them look like sea urchins! Little decorations, paper weights, whatever they are they’re enjoyable to make!


It’s been quite a week! I hope yours has been going great and your weekend is fabulous!

Venus will be happy once it stops raining. She really loves being outside, but she can’t stand the rain!


We are looking to get 40-80mm of rain over this weekend, then snow again next week. Right now though it’s still all green out there! Still can’t believe that. I’m getting used to this island again, and loving every second of it!!

Something shocking that I got used to in Alberta is the way Edmonton used to change about 60°C in a matter of a week or two. In March or April, usually “spring” would happen. We would actually go from nights of -30 or worse, to days of +30 and above! It was so drastic! The melt was often really intense, the runoff was quick, leaving everything dry and the soil ready for planting in a very short time.

It’s definitely NOT like that here! I’m excited to possibly getting radishes to grow without bolting for basically the first time ever! 😂

Radish is sensitive to heat, and will bolt in hot weather pretty easily, so almost every time I planted them in Edmonton they bolted. Just couldn’t take the crazy daytime highs.

Here in Newfoundland, it’s a much more dragged out spring. It melts and freezes, snows and rains, and eventually you do get hot weather. This should offer me the opportunity to plant and grow many more radishes, greens like lettuce, spinach and other cool temperature crops. I’m working on building a bunch of mini greenhouses out of old food packaging now. Mostly beverage and Epsom salt containers so far. I don’t buy soda so I actually don’t have any 2lt bottles, might have to ask around for some soda drinkers and ask them to save me some!
I’m hoping this along with straw, will help to insulate some plants, so I can get stuff into the garden right away, even with snow coming again soon. I only have so much space on the germination heat mat, under the grow lights and in the little makeshift greenhouse, so I need to get some cold tolerant plants into the ground as soon as possible to make sure the heat loving ones will have the environment they require.

Can’t wait for the summer months!!!

Some memes for you!! ❤️





Knotilus daily pond is a series of photos of the pond near my home, some bloggery about the homestead and the creations, it’s then finished off with some choice memes.

Some days here are breathtaking, others will be gray and dull, I’m happy to share the different looks of the pond all year long 🙂


The shop is officially open!
If you’re interested in helping a tiny business grow, pick out an item! ❤️

Check out my other creations through my link tree


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