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RE: My Very Lazy - No Dig, No Till, No Weeding - Garden Bed Prep Method
Yes, digging, tilling and weeding are a ton of work! I have raised beds to which I just covered over the grass with paper and cardboard first then my covering of soil, leaves, clippings, food scraps, etc.,, but I still deal with the quack grass that seems to make itself everywhere and sprouts up in the middle of the beds, so irritating!
Oh yeah quack grass would take extra effort to manage!! In past sheet mulching attempts with bermuda grass I found that it is important to make many layers of cardboard, interlacing overlaps at least 6-12". If you just make one layer and only overlap an inch or two or don't overlap the bermuda grass is bound to get through. I like at least 3 layers of cardboard or half inch thick layer of cardboard minimum at least in those situations and edges overlapping at least a foot apart to be extra sure.