Elephant Grass Cultivation And Its Many Benefits

in #gardening6 years ago (edited)


Elephant Grass Cultivation? Yes, surely all already know about this one grass, we often encounter because now many people who cultivate this grass as animal feed, due to the less grass in the wild. the reason to choose elephant grass is the easy way to cultivate it.

How to Cultivate Elephant Grass?

Elephant grass cultivation will be discussed starting from, land processing, elephant grass seeds, how to plant elephant grass, harvest and the benefits of elephant grass as animal feed.

Understanding Elephant Grass

Elephant grass is a giant grass that because of the grass is so large, so called elephant grass. But is this grass only for elephants? Certainly not. This grass is usually used for animal feed such as cattle, elephants, goats, sheep, buffalo, horses, and others. Elephant grass is also often referred to as kolonjono, columnento, or sulanjana.

Benefits of Elephant Grass Cultivation

Discussing about the grass is usually known as weeds or weeds for some people because it often interferes with plants. But there is also a grass that is deliberately to be cultivated for its benefits with certain techniques.

This grass does not grow carelessly, but when planted, elephant grass will easily grow and quickly harvest. Therefore many people now use elephant grass to feed livestock because it is so easy to plant.


Even now many people who deliberately cultivate elephant grass for sale, because the needs of many livestock animals while less grass conditions. So elephant grass is a business opportunity especially for those who have land.

How to Cultivate Elephant Grass

Land or Land Processing

Before planting elephant grass steps to do is menoglah soil, best time to plant grass is best when the rainy season or the end of the dry season.

In this step, what must be done first is clearing the land from bushes and grasses, then piracy to make the soil become loose.

Then, the mounding can be adapted to the type of elephant grass you cultivate, but the outline of the ideal plant spacing is 30 × 30 cm, so making the bunds depends on your needs.


How to Plant an Elephant Grass

Planting with How to Cut

First, do elephant cuttings that are not too young, cut into pieces 20-30 cm long, so each piece will have 2 to 3 (segment). The planting of stem cuttings is planted tilted with a position of 30-40 degrees with 1-2 sections entering into the soil and one segment above ground level.


For one planting hole planted two stem cuttings. Should be done during the rainy season because after planting grass cultivated to obtain irrigation, if no grass rains should be in the flush so that grass does not die.


Planting with Elephant Grass Stitch

First, do the selection of saplings that are not too easy and the grass is healthy or good growth. In each planting hole, seedlings should consist of 2-3 stems, and keep the roots of the tillers in good condition. Cut the top of the seedlings until the remaining approximately 30 cm.

The planting of the seedlings is planted in the luban that has been given manure, then the soil is slightly compacted so that the plant does not waver. In the process of watering the plants get the same irrigation. otherwise plants should be embroidered.


How to Harvest in Elephant Grass Cultivation

Actually the way to harvest the elephant grass has no special way, so to harvest the elephant grass can be tailored to your needs, but in outline at the age of 30 days or before issuing flowering.

At the time the grass is 25-30 days since before grass harvested elephant grass has a soft texture at this age. If the grass is older than 40 days and above will start flowering, then the trunk is getting harder. Under such conditions greatly affect feed grade or nutritional value, as well as low levels of digestibility.

Harvest of elephant grass is done cutting grass on the field by leaving 1-2 eye buds. Then, after the cutting should be done again to re-shoot the shoot can grow back well.


How, do you want to use elephant grass cultivation is so easy to do. Hopefully it can be useful if there is a shortage or you want to submit please write in the comments field.


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