Chemtrails : No Vacation Time for Atmospheric Geoengineering

in #geoengineering7 years ago

Many of you may know that I recently spent the Thanksgiving holiday in a place called Pismo Beach, CA. It was beautiful, the relatives were great, my children are irrepressible and enthralled by everything, so we had a great time.

As one does when in a beautiful place with people I love, I took lots of pictures. Starting with my children, the walk to the beach and downtown from our hotel and the ocean herself… I’m no professional photographer, however it isn’t difficult to get a nice shot when everything surrounding you is gorgeous.

Then I looked up to soak in the breathtakingly deep blue sky and saw this:


I thought, geez, really? And looked left:

single chemtrail.jpg

With my brow furrowed, we did the touristy thing and poked around in the little tchochkie shops along the main street. (I hate shopping, by the way, so I took pictures and tried not to whine). Focused in on the classic neon surf shop sign for a cool shot and ended up catching more than just the sign:

downtown chemtrails.jpg

We hung out for a few hours in the game garden at a hotel one of our family members was staying at right near the beach and I watched as the sky above me went from this:

palm trees early.jpg

To this:

filling in.jpg

This picture fills me with horror. Look at the crisscross inside the thin cloud cover, see the lines that intersect like an enormous tic-tac-toe? I can't even count how many chemtrails are in this picture, that's how many there are.

And the creepiest part for me was how terrifyingly beautiful they also could be:

sunset chemtrails.jpg

criscross sunset.jpg

I read this article recently and was again reminded about the different chemicals they admit are released into our atmosphere or stratosphere. And again about how they don't seem to care how they can impact all of us here on the ground.

I took my three little children to one of the most beautiful places in the world and then worried about what was raining invisibly upon them, soaking into their sweet baby skin and inhaled into their perfect pink lungs. How will it affect their growth? Their developing brains? The atmosphere of the very planet they inhabit? The dirt below their growing feet and the food they consume?

You know what I think? I think we should not be playing with our atmospheres and most certainly not fucking with our babies. Call me crazy.


I agree, it will back fire us eventually. People in charge never learn. And we have no say.

Btw, gratz for making it top 5 (and prizes) in today's poker :-)

hey @veleje.... it was so sick to watch the tic tac toe get filled in that day... and the whole sky went from brilliant blue to hazy. It's insane and scary...

Thanks for the poker props, lol!


tic tac toe!! That is how i describe them too!!
Never thought i would hear someone else call them that haha!
We have alot of those nasty stripes is the sky.
Not sure about that whole chemtrails stuff, but i know the technologie to do it was invented like 50 years ago, they call it cloud seeding.
I believe they used it in the Vietnam war.
Have a nice day!!

My youngest daughter has just learned how to play tic tac toe and creates these massive 'boards' for us to play on, lol... this looked just like hers!

I'm really learning a lot about chemtrails and geoengineering... I believe cloud seeding is simply another word for the same thing... the government putting chemicals in our atmosphere without telling us what or why. Which I disapprove of!

hope you have a great day, too. :)

The place is very nice to spend the holiday.

The human need places such a place to relieve the nerves of everyday problems

it should have been very relaxing but I ended up worrying more than I should have needed to.


This is really sad Beth, I start seeing more and more of this in Uruguay, as we are a small country you don't see them everyday, but if you keep looking you will end up seeing at least once a day :(

That's really distressing, @fivefiveeleven. I have to tell you, when I looked up to really look at the sky... you know how you do when you're on vacation and you finally get there and really look around... and bam. I think I counted five right away. and then I couldn't help but notice more and more. And all in ONE day, mind you!

yes, people change the atmosphere for the worse, it's hard to change ... I think that only technological progress can save us from these problems by replacing traditional means with new ones that will not destroy the atmosphere and create ozone holes in it .. this It's a matter of time and I'm sure we'll live to see it

hey @frank1in. I hope we live to see the awakening of our society and the reversal of messing with mother nature like we do. I truly believe with the information everyone has such ready access to, things will start getting better!

This shots are crazy!!
And u said you're not a professional 😂😂😂😂
I think the dangers and negativities of green house effect should be known public, as it leads to global warming!
Industries and cars kill people everyday without their knowledge cause of the substances they release.
Also, these industries can be forced to re-cycle their sewage and dirt,it would surely reduce the rate of pollution

haha, thanks! and yes, i think we as a society need to make sure our governments are listening to us and not hiding behind corporate lobbyists.

i really dont know much about your field,but i would love more light to be shed.thanks

thanks, me too!

Those are called con-trails, as in condensation trails. It is just water condensate forming on the jets of a plane similar to how water condensate forms on a cold glass of water in a warm room. Actual geo-engineering looks a little bit different and behaves completely different to con-trails as the goal for geo-engineering is to disperse something over a large area relatively fast meaning that it would soon (within seconds) no longer be visible. If th government were attempting to create 'chem-trails' then they could do so in a much better way than making them look like con trails, and they could more efficiently disperse such chemicals through other means, as in flying above an area and dispersing chemicals isn't very efficient when you could just add those same chemicals to the water supply and hope people don't use a RO filtration system but considering so many people view RO water as super toxic (especially those whom tend to believe in chem trails) you have a perfect dispersion system.

Contrails are supposed to vanish within minutes...these look persistent

From what I understand, these chemtrails are different than contrails, as @kingbum said ... contrails, simple water condensation, disappear where chemtrails stay. The ones (most of the ones) I pictured stayed all day and ended up filling the sky with a hazy cloud cover. Which is described as an 'idea' the government has to help combat global warming... they are claiming what I just took pictures of is a theory.

Contrails do not vanish within minutes, due to the super saturation of water vapour in the air (especial in coastal regions) the rapid condensate can stay for hours or even days as there is a maximum amount of water vapour that can be contained within a volume of air. If the air is at 100% humidity then you would need to heat water exponentially to vaporize it. So no contrails can survive long times in the atmosphere. The hazy cloud cover you describe is the exact prediction of contrails in high humidity as contrails will condense to clouds but due to the high humidity the dust particulates will grow into a fog

There is a reason for the geoengineering and it is not to fight global warming. You go ask 95% of the University scientists and they will deny that this is even happening because grant money for their projects is dependent on telling the lie that there is no such thing as geoengineering. Now you have 5% remaining and 95% out of that 5% will tell you it is happening but its to reflect sunlight back to space and combat global warming. Notice I began by saying this is what you are being told and this too is also a lie it is not the truth. So, what is actually going on? Have you ever heard of the grand solar minimum? I can ramble on about the grand solar minimum for hours I probably should blog about it. Anyway, during a grand solar minimum there's a weakening of the Sun's magnetosphere and the Earth's magnetosphere has been weakening steadily now for centuries in preparation for the pole shift. The weakening of both magnetoshperes have made the Earth more vulnerable to cosmic rays. When cosmic rays combine with water vapor they help induce massive precipitation events called atmospheric compression events. They also increase cloud cover across the planet that's why sunny days are few and far between. The crap they are spraying the sky with is heavy metal particulates that is supposed to keep the cosmic rays from binding to water vapor so we wont have as much extreme weather like 10 inches of snow in an hour thag just fell outside of Valdez, Alaska just a few days ago. There's a lot more to it but thats a basic beginning.

Hey there, thanks for the comment. I will look into grand solar minimum, however I think we're mostly talking about the same thing when I mention 'global warming'... I use that phrase to mean more like climate change, including trying to avoid extreme weather changes as you described. What I know the most is that I don't know enough, and so am on a journey of discovery!

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