The terrifying experience of skipping school: A corpse was found in the small woods on the west side of the school

in #ghostterrorlast month

I'd like to share a personal experience with you that was extremely bizarre and terrifying, and had a profound impact on my life. Since I couldn't afford to join a knowledge-sharing platform, I'll share it here in the comments section.

This incident occurred in 2022, when I was in my second year of junior high school. I was an excellent student, always ranking among the top ten in my class. However, I didn't enjoy studying and felt like I was in prison. The school's corridors were even fenced off, making it impossible to take a short walk outside during recess. As a result, I often skipped school to have fun.

Our school had a night study session that ended at 11:00 PM, and the duty teacher would check the dormitories at 11:30 PM. I would often sneak out after the teacher's rounds, climb over the 1.5-meter-high iron fence on the west side of the school, cross a small forest, and then run across a small river to meet up with friends. We would sing, drink, and have barbecue, feeling carefree and exhilarated. I would return to school around 6:00 AM, walking through the main gate with confidence, just in time for the 6:20 AM morning reading session.

On the day of the incident, it was a Thursday. After the teacher's rounds, I snuck out again, but as I approached the west side of the school, I spotted a teacher patrol team about 200 meters away. I quickly climbed over the fence and hid in the small forest. As I crouched down, I noticed a strong, pungent smell, which I initially thought came from a dead animal. I turned around to investigate, and that's when I saw it: a corpse hanging in mid-air, about 10 meters away from me. The moon was full, and in its light, I could see the body clearly. It looked like it had been inflated, like a balloon, with the tongue sticking out and one eye bulging out of its socket, while the other eye dangled from the face.

I was paralyzed with fear, staring at the corpse for several minutes, feeling icy cold all over. I forgot to run away. When I finally came to my senses, I rushed back to find the teacher patrol team and told them what I had seen. Initially, they didn't believe me, but after I persuaded them, they reluctantly followed me to the scene.

As we approached the small forest, the stench became overwhelming. When we arrived, we were shocked to see that the corpse had fallen to the ground, with a large gash in its abdomen and intestines scattered everywhere. One of the female teachers, wearing high heels, accidentally stepped on a piece of intestine and burst into tears. But the most terrifying part was that the corpse's head was missing, as if it had been ripped off.

The next day, the identity of the deceased was confirmed. She was the daughter of one of our chemistry teachers, a math prodigy who had been missing for several days. She suffered from severe depression and was barely able to walk, let alone hang herself in the forest. The chemistry teacher suspected foul play and reported the incident to the police. Due to the advanced decomposition of the body, the police couldn't determine the cause of death. The priority was to find the missing head.

A team of 7-8 police officers, 10-15 male teachers, and a few brave students, including myself, searched the small forest for over a week, even enlisting the help of a police dog from the school's armed forces unit. However, the head seemed to have vanished into thin air, and the case was eventually closed.

I heard that the girl's parents later created a makeshift head using flour and attached it to the body, then sewed up the abdomen before cremating her.

Note: I've tried to maintain the original tone and details of the story, but some minor adjustments were made for clarity and grammar.

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