
Oh lawd. (Rolling my eyes ) let me break it down for you bitch . Let me tell you something about this world there is a whole lot of dishonest people in this world . They will suck the happiness out of you till this is no happiness left in you. People will screw you over and stab you in the mother fucking back over and over again . And why? Because people don't care about you bitch. You ain't special bitch . Neither am I or the next bitch. You feel me ? If your so called friends are putting you down and running their mouth about chu , it's because they don't care about you ! It's not that hard to understand ! You feel me ? People go their separate ways all the time it's life girl . You shouldn't give a flying shit what people say about your lifestyle or who you are as a person . If your feeling yourself and if you know you got swag and know you a beautiful person then why should you give bull shitters attention ? They ain't nothing to you baby boo . If the little heffa ain't texting you back or calling you back , they don't want to talk to you period baby girl . People be texting and on social media all hours of the day and if ya friend can't even send you a message or see how you are which takes two seconds to send oh bish then you got some fake friends . Ain't no body got time for dat .just do you and don't give two shits what anyone thinks . I had friends come and go , but fuck them if they don't wanna be in my life or be there for me . That's why I don't please people anymore because no matter what you do people always got to run their stank mouth and always be ungrateful . Nothing is ever good enough . Your the type of bitch who only sees good In people and think they will change but nah bish people don't change over night . If someone says they don't want to be apart of my life I say ok bye Felecia's there is the door . You can't change the way people think or act . You can't control everything and you can't expect people to be like you bitch. You feel me ? We are living in a society we're people don't give a shit about anything or anyone other than themselves . Find people who actually will fuck with chu and care for you . I'm dropping the mic that's all I have to say . Amen bitches . (Pops lips making stank look)

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