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RE: 100 STEEM 50/50 Giveway!

in #giveaway7 years ago (edited)

I think this is a easy question - the community closest to my heart is Steemit. I guess it has to be. It has changed my life so much, in the few months I've been here. I realized last night, as the New Year rolled in, that I am truly happy and a lot of that is thanks to this wonderful group of people. I find myself eagerly writing on this awesome platform. It's not work, although it pays; it's not an obligation, it's my favorite part of the day.
I have reached heights I couldn't even imagine, because of Steemit. I have done what I love most in the world - writing. About what I like, how I like. To quote Stephen King, it's the best gig in the world.
I love the people here, for so many reasons - because I have met such wonderful, kind, smart human beings on Steemit. People willing to fight for what they believe in, people who refuse to be silent. And when I say that, I think of many people and groups here, on this platform, but one of the greatest, I believe is @familyprotection.
They are doing such an amazing thing. When I first came here, I was very naive, I realize now. I didn't imagine half of the horrible things that go on in this world - babies being torn from their parents, abuse of innocents, monstrous things.
And the first few posts I read by @familyprotection made me shiver, puke and close my eyes. But then, I came to the realization that if we do that, the monsters win. So, we must be aware. We must know about the many horrible abuses in this world, in order to fight back. I imagine what they do isn't easy at all, I don't think I could write about all the awful things they write. And I believe that, to put yourself through this strain, in order to spread the word, to educate others and help families in need is one of the most incredible things one can do.
I am grateful to have found such people, willing to fight for others, for what's right.
And I am grateful to have met all the amazing people I've met here, on Steemit, in these four months. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
My life wouldn't be the same without this place.



The @familyprotection project by @markwhittam and @canadian-coconut (Linda) is one of the most important support communities that have taken shape here on Steemit over the last year. Following the personal struggle's of Marks family really brought the worldwide epidemic to light for me, and to think it started over something we assume would be a basic human right... "I want to home school my child".

I second your nomination for this great project!


I am very touched by this @honeydue & @steempowerpics I can't express with words how I feel right now

And kudos to @themarkymark for this great initiative.

I keep falling in love with this community over and over again.

Bless the lot of ya!

yeah this is a great nomination, @familyprotection has brought a voice to the huge corruption within child services worldwide. It has connected so many people which in turn has made their voice stronger and louder. Our children are our future and we need to all unite in supporting this great project. Nice one @honeydue for putting them forward.