The grace of God: But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding. Job 32:8

in #god19 days ago

The Book of Job is a sapiential book, whose purpose is to teach the importance of the trust in God even when evil seems to prevail in the world, in some way the main character of the book, called Job metaphorically symbolizes in the Old Testament the nation of Israel to make it clear that sometimes God can allow an evil, to bring a great good out of it.
And the book relates that after suffering many misfortunes the friends of Job called Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar went to visit him to give him comfort in the face of his problems.
Despite the prudence demonstrated by Job and his friends, a series of speeches follow one another that do not seem to reach a clear point, and in this situation, it is clear that all human science fails to clarify Job's situation, but the book adds a fourth friend who may have been added later to the work, Elihu, and it is this character that changes the development of the book.
And Elihu was presented in the sapiential book in a very special way, because as a young man, he explained that the knowledge that comes from true wisdom does not depend on age or experience, but on the grace that comes from God. The spiritual gifts, like the excellence of wisdom, are not like human virtues that are born as a disposition of the soul.
And with these words, he explained this spiritual truth:
"I am young in years,
and you are old;
that is why I was fearful,
not daring to tell you what I know.
I thought, ´Age should speak;
advanced years should teach wisdom.´
But it is the spirit in a person,
the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding.
It is not only the old who are wise,
not only the aged who understand what is right" Job 32:6-9.
With this Elihu implied that God as creator of all things has a providential plan for man, and that for its fulfillment God grants his gifts to men in a different manner, but it is in the freedom of men as creatures of God the choice of whether to live them or not.
The grace of God. But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding. Job 32,8.jpg
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