in #god7 years ago

God is still God and he is still in heaven.
Nomatter the condition you find yourself today,dont be hopeless.
It is not that God is not aware of that problem of yours,Sometimes i always see the nature of God to be more practical.
You need to tell God about your problems,this is confirmed in the book of Math7:7 ''Ask and ye shall receive,Seek and ye shall find,knock and it shall be opened unto you and the verse 8 says ''To everyone that asketh,receiveth,To him that seeketh,findeth and when you knock,it shall be opened unto you.
God is still in the business of answering prayers and making what is impossible to man to be possible.
When God promises you a thing,he will surely fulfil that which he has promised.For God is not a man that he should lie.
The problem with most Christians today is lack of trust and impatience.People want things to be done speedily and when God's promises delays to come,people start to panic and begin to have doubts in their mind.
I want you all to know that God will not come too early,neither will he come too late,but he will come at the right time.
The bible recorded that they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strenght.
I enjoin you all to have faith in God for he alone is able to do exceedingly great more than we can imagine.
Our heavenly father answers prayers,never you murmur until you have prayed for your miracle is on the way.
God bless you all my dearly beloved steemian. DSC_9374 copy.jpg


awwww, HI, I have left a vote for you. I invite you to view my post! Happy day

Thanks for the encouragement@clasic717. We need the encouragement in Nigeria, especially Benue state.

We jointly pray for Benue state @aijalon

Spirituality is taking over you

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