Guest Blog Post - Why Content Will Always Be King For Google

in #google6 years ago

  Why Content Will Always Be King For Google

‘Good content brings traffic’ is something you will hear a lot if you start researching blogging, and whilst this is very true, good writing needs very good SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) to ensure it can be found by the people who will enjoy what you have to write. 

I will cover in more detail later blogging communities – but for now we are focussing on Joe or Jane Bloggs who are doing a bit of internet surfing hoping for something interesting to read. Your blog posts should be: 

•Well written with punctuation 
•In a sans serif font 
•Have pictures and/or videos of them if appropriate 
•Be spell checked 
•Be proofread by you at least twice before you publish. 

The above may all sounds rather basic, and actually it probably is, however a quick trawl about the internet will reveal some blogs so badly written I am sure even the blogger themselves upon reading  back would have little clue of what they had written.  

There can be a level of derision at times for those of us who try and use punctuation – some considering it to be old fashioned and unnecessary.  

However, they are probably not new bloggers wanting others to read their blog!  Your writing and punctuation do not need to be perfect – mistakes will always slip in – however if you write and never read back what you have read, and have no clue where the comma (,) or the full-stop (.) buttons are on your keyboard, now is the time to mend your ways! 

ALWAYS proofread your posts before you post them and ALWAYS press the spell check button (if you prefer, posts can be written in Word first and copied and pasted in (sometimes this can cause a problem with some blogging services but most will cope with it).  

Search engines like Google love an authoritative site, sites with really good true content will get higher rankings and that is your goal.  

All the techniques in the world cannot beat having good content. Be prepared for your first few posts to get little or no attention from anyone apart from your spouse, your mother and whoever else you have excitedly told about your new blogging endeavour. 

Read the rest of the article here:


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You have been flagged for being an abuser! Stop your naughty actions! Stupid spammer!

lol - Ummm yeah funny mate! I would say your comment is spam considering it's copied and pasted into heaps of others posts - so I think it's you who will be reported...

Ignorant noob. Good luck.

Resteemed - really where? When a post is resteemed don't I get a notification?

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