Progress is less government

in #government8 years ago

It seems that in everything from government and academia to the movies we watch that the idea of global governance is pushed. It is pushed as the logical next step in humanity, the way we will reach our full potential. It is taught and assumed that we must have one banner, one currency, one government to reach our potential and continue to progress. These , however, are not common sense ideas ingrained in humanity but rather a false ideology woven into our social fabric over the last century or so. I will show how the more logical path of true progress is that of liberty and self-governance.

The problem with global governance

It has been said that greatest minority is the individual person themselves, and I believe this to be true.
The more power government has, the more invasive they become in the life of an individual. They force a system of beliefs on someone that does not want them, force them pay a portion of their labor in the for of tax to support things they do not believe in. A government on a global scale has maximum power and thus can only be more ignorant to the needs of the individual.

Global governance also leaves governing of once proud people and nations to a multinational bureaucracy that will be oblivious to the needs of many. I ask this question: Why should someone who lives on the other side of the world have the authority to say what you can do with your life?

The argument gets made that global governance will stop wars. Well if you give freedom to tyrants then you only have to worry about things like secret police and not full scale war. This one is quite easy to refute as we just have to look at the past. If we gave all of our freedom to and yielded to Hitler in ww2 to avoid war , what would the outcome have been? How do tyrannical governments treat their citizens?

Power usually corrupts like a drug and the nature of human beings is to have more of everything. To have more power when you already run the world naturally means you have to become more invasive in the life of the individual as your hand is already around the globe and now your grip wants to tighten on those inhabiting it.

Liberty: the solution.

When a society needs very little in the way of government, it shows that their citizens themselves have matured. Just like growing from a child to an adult , growth as a society includes less need on parent or authority figure for your daily needs ( think about this , do you think the nanny state is about helping people? When people depend on government for daily needs, who has the power?)

-Self defended individuals have little need for standing armies, and a down to earth morality   among the community ( something you cannot get from legislated right and wrongs written by  politicians . 
They are notorious liars and thieves) ensures a level of kindness towards each other, as well as a  general compassion towards the poor.

-A competitive private market place for building infrastructure ( without involving a large government body) means more efficient use of funds to build roads and sewers with a much more effective use of funds.
As has been briefly shown here, more government is oppressive by nature and shows a regression in society whereas a society where the people are self governed shows true progress in humanity.

Thank you for reading. If you likes this piece please up vote and follow. Have a blessed day.

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