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RE: Gridcoin Giveaway

in #gridcoin6 years ago (edited)

If this is about the 1GRC and 162 GRC transactions last week - this is an (visibility) error.

It is explained in the announcements on slack.

The coins were send to a burn adress and should not appear in our all wallets. (And they cant be spend)

The latest .16 version "repairs" that I think. As with Orphans you won't see that anymore.

@Flodner: Please post your receive adress.

EDIT: I just tried to send @flodner a thanks for the giveaway, but it didn't work.
Looks like that burn error transaction blocks all your sends until you upgrade to .16!! (no wonder because of mismatching coins)


Yes, you are right, it was 1GRC and 162GRC exactly. i didn't read slack, will check it

I was also surprised that there was no address, as for example with +1 GRC above (it's from Boinc)

my address is: S9s18HFXMbWRegQaaro6zbRGVXcMzaU2Z1

by the way I posted the same giveaway on Bitcointalk and Golos, but nobody applied yet