Gridcoin Weekly Issue #4; Week 36

in #gridcoin8 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Gridcoin Weekly.

We aim to write about what happens in the Gridcoin world and have some longer in depth sections on topics that has been hot the current week, and try to highlight many of the current interesting things. We give you tips and statistics to make you feel up to date on everything regarding the network. Do you wish to see something special, please leave a comment in the section below.

This week meant the end of the highly discussed poll of Enforcing SSL for a project to be on the Whitelist. Read our full article on this matter and what it means now.

From this issue we will include our new infogram of "This Week in Numbers". Feel free to share this anywhere you wish and be sure to tell everyone to support us on Steemit.

Support us to support the Gridcoin Community

I will convert 50% of the SBD on all posts in the gridcoin-weekly category to GRC. This will be used to rain on the network. Everyone will get a share depending on their RAC. This is our way of saying Thank You for your contribution to Gridcoin.


Network Sais "NO" to SSL Enforcement; What now?

GridcoinVote-ssl_enforcement_poll_finald1ae0.png The poll regarding enforcing SSL for all projects on the whitelist ended with a great majority of almost 75% of the Shares against it. Both Miners and Investors had a majority of No votes. While Miners was only just weighing over on the no side with 29M Shares vs. 22M Shares, the majority of the investors was against it with 46M Shares vs. 3M Shares.

The result of this will not mean that the work of trying to secure the network for our users are over. This only means the network does not think a banning of projects for not having a valid SSL certificate is a good idea as of yet. The work will continue by many of the Gridcoin members.

If you are unsure of what this means for you, an article to read is definitely Why SSL is so important for us and Should SSL Be Mandatory.

The Following Projects DOES NOT HAVE A SSL Certificate

Project NameStatus
Numberfields@HomeWorking On It
vLHCWorking On It
Universe@HomeWorking On It
CPDNWorking On It
LeidenNo/Not Planned

If any project on this list is a project you are working with, you should definitely read the Discussion Thread on the forum and read what you can do and the progress.

Discussion Thread on the Forum

In other news

@officialfuzzy pays commission to make a painted Gridcoin logo

@angsteem made a painted beyondbitcoin logo and was asked by @officialfuzzy to make a similar painting for Gridcoin. A commission of 75 SBD has been issued for the work.

@cm-steem talks Gridcoin on Beyondbitcoin Hangout 172

Gridcoin once again features on the BeyondBitcoin Hangout by @officialfuzzy. @cm-steem talks about SSL, security and his latest personal project "Project Rain". The BeyondBitcoin Hangout at SoundCloud

Price race for Gridcoin when trading volume suddenly spikes on September 8th

The price and volume suddenly shot trough the roof on September 8th for various cryptocurrencies, with Gridcoin being one of them. Suddenly volume was many times higher than normal and price climbed up to 150% in a few hours. Both @cm-steem writes about this event and @gridcoinman writes about it.

Gridcoin featured in Crypto Market Video

Crypto Market includes Gridcoin along side with CureCoin and FoldingCoin. They are also present on Steemit as @decentro.

Current Gridcoin Contests

There are a few contests running in the Gridcoin world.
We are trying to find a new Wallet Splash Image - With Reward in GRC!
We are trying to find an intro tune for the Gridcoin Community Hangouts - With Reward in GRC!

Gridcoin related BOINC Projects News

Highlights news from and related to all the BOINC Projects on the Gridcoin Whitelist. Most of the news are from the projects news sections. If you wish a project to be present in this section, please inform the project admins to write more news ;)

Researchers Publish Findings on Potential New Treatments for Leishmaniasis

WorldCommunityGrid writes about a new paper that has been published on the work done by WCG for potential treatments for Leishmanaiasis.

Video Tour of the SETI Labs - Part 2

David MacMahon continues his tour of the hardware that powers Berkeley SETI and Breakthrough Listen.

How to get better performance on Atlast@Home

Atlast@Home has posted a news article on how to gain better performance with their ATLAS_MCOR application. Worth checking out if you run it.

Record temperatures in Europe from 2014 analyzed

ClimatePredition writes about the weather in Europe from 2014 and the possible ways to distinguish how much was caused by due to anthropogenic (man-made) climate change.

PrimeGrid continues to find PPS Mega Primes

The search for PPS Mega Primes at PrimeGrid has resulted in two new results this week. A 1,045,732 digits prime and a 1,048,989 digits prime, both to be entered in the Chris Caldwell's The Largest Known Primes Database.

Citizen Science Grid installs SSL

The work of getting many of the projects to support SSL has this week resulted in that Citizen Science Grid now also can be accessed with Secure connection.

vLHC@Home Explains about Workunit Limitations

An explanation regarding limiting the number of work units per host has been written on the vLHC@Home page. They also explain how to remove it.

Gridcoin Community Hangout

Every Saturday at 10PM CET there is a live Mumble session that anyone can participate in. Anyone are free to speak up, or you can just connect and listen in live. Listen to the Gridcoin Hangout on SoundCloud (takes a few days after live session before it's posted)

Here are some of the topics in this weeks hangout

  • The result of the SSL Voting
  • The issues of BOINC security
  • Answer to the question of "Where does Gridcoin gets it's value from"
  • The time of broadcast has been asked to be at a different time. A Vote is avaliable
  • Customminer gives updates regarding Project Rain.
  • Possible future projects to reach out to are discussed

Wallet Updates

There has been no updates to the wallet this week.

Current Votes

SSL Enforcement Vote

The SSL Enforcement vote ended with a majority voting for NO. The option NO was to the majority Investors, while YES was mainly Miners, as you can see in the image below. Both Investors and Miners voted for NO.

Vote Weight Rebalancing - UNFINISHED

The vote for Vote Weight Rebalancing is still ongoing and will end on 2016-09-17. These are the results this far.
The majority votes either for 70:30 or 90:10 with Investors voting mainly on 90:10 and Miners on 70:30.
You should read about the Poll Here.

This voting is important for future voting! Please participate!

GridcoinVote-vote_weight_rebalancing_cruncher_poll_unfinished503b1.png GridcoinVote-vote_weight_rebalancing_investor_poll_unfinished94861.png

Gridcoin Decentralized Voting System Documentation

This Weeks Gridcoin Infograph


Interested to join?

If you are not currently using Gridcoin but would like to, here are a few places to get help on how to start:

Gridcoin Webpage

Gridcoin Forum

Gridcoin on Steemit

IRC: gridcoin and gridcoin-help


With this weeks infopraph you can see that the network gains quite many new members to the BOINC Team, but not that many in the Neural Network. The number of active members are still on a standstill.

The section for RAC is going to be populated every week to compare how much work has been done over the last weeks, which will give a great view on how the network is doing in the BOINC network.

I aim to collect the most interesting news on a compact space and hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy making it.

Thanks for voting!

Numberfields has also gone SSL now. One project closer to 100%.

Thnaks for the updated I have decided to ming GRC and put my puter to a good cause.

That's nice to hear, welcome to the team :)

Great post, @sc-steemit I'm loving these weekly reports :D

Great job, I look forward to reading your synopsis of what's happened over the week.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 62312.95
ETH 2458.75
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.65