This is a blockchain-based digital currency used to track and trade electricity
It would be used to track each kilowatt-hour of renewable energy generated by users. The blockchain would also record the history of all transactions, including both buyers and sellers. The technology is not new. It has been around for years, but this is the first time a cryptocurrency is being used to do just that.The Grid smartchain is a new way to organize and monitor energy. The grid is a collection of power lines and energy-producing devices. These devices are interconnected and must be managed by the grid operator. There are many different types of smart grids, and they are often interconnected. A smart grid can be organized based on its power needs, and the energy company can manage them through the smart grid. The Grid smartchain can facilitate the development of the national energy grid and the economy as a whole.The Grid smartchain is a technology that allows smart electronic devices to interface with one another. It incorporates advanced high-speed technology, such as WiFi and digital controls, to provide real-time information and improve asset utilization. Smart grids enable utilities to leverage new data and improve efficiency, security, and reliability. This open architecture creates a plug-and-play environment where grid components can talk to each other. Examples of these technologies include WiFi, advanced on-load tap-charger, and advanced protective relays.
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BCT Username: Actum
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Telegram Username: @Actum01
BSC Wallet Address:0x8f18FeF897De648950a4E1BAA6FEf9c49182f9b2
The technology behind The Grid smartchain is revolutionary in several ways
It is able to record all transactions within a network. It is tamper-proof, so it is possible to track the source of power and reduce pollution. The Grid smartchain allows enterprises to trade and exchange electricity freely. By integrating information from different sources, the technology is able to integrate information about power grid equipment, power demand, and blockchain technology. This allows regulators to carry out all-round supervision of the technology, inspecting quality and market prices. Furthermore, the blockchain cloud platform can provide the keys required for inspection. This can help tax agencies to check enterprise accounts, which is another advantage of this technology. The technology behind The Grid smartchain is decentralized, and it is built around the principles of privacy and security. In a smart grid, each entity is connected with others through a network of electricity generation, storage, and consumption. Smart grids are a natural extension of this infrastructure, and this technology is set to transform the world's energy consumption. This technology is designed to make it possible to balance demand and production through a decentralized network.The Grid is open source, which means that it's free to modify and extend it
A small computing device called a light node can be placed near the distribution point. It generates an address, maintains a balance, and connects to the existing electricity meter. A full node can be added to the distribution point. A full node will verify transactions and maintain consensus, determining the optimum route to deliver electricity and supply security. The Grid smartchain is a revolutionary technology, but it still requires a lot of work to be adopted on a large scale.Using blockchain, TES can distribute the centralized system and make it decentralized. Smart contracts can act as distributed control authorities to enforce proportional fairness. By enforcing smart contracts, distributed feeders can contract with one another and determine the voltage regulator based on the stored credits. This system also confirms that the shifting of power among the participant DERs is fair. And this technology has the potential to transform the utility industry.In addition to Hyperledger and its components, Grid also provides a platform for building supply chain solutions. It has distributed ledger and Smart Contract modules, enabling organizations to choose between Splinter and Hyperledger Sawtooth as their backend. It also features a library of Grid smart contracts, called Pike, which manages organization permissions. It also supports GS1 standards.Additional Information
The Grid uses the Proof of Stake V2 consensus mechanism to ensure fast transactions and a stable network. Grid's energy-efficient validations and renewable resource mining activities are essential to its brilliant performance. Its Proof of Stake V2 protocol maximizes energy usage while ensuring a secure, sustainable blockchain. This new technology allows organizations to participate in a green mission and contribute to charitable causes. It is also monitored for threat actors, and penalized validators who frequently swap equipment for other ones.In the application, every producer and consumer becomes a light node, reducing complexity and hardware requirements. A typical house with a solar panel receives primary electricity from a distribution line and a bidirectional meter. The generated power is distributed throughout the house, and is used by the user. A similar example is shown in Fig. 7 using the MyGenerator section. In Fig. 8, a solar panel produces 1.98 kWh per day.✓ For more Information
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✓ Author
BCT Username: Actum
BCT Profile Link:
Telegram Username: @Actum01
BSC Wallet Address:0x8f18FeF897De648950a4E1BAA6FEf9c49182f9b2
✓ Hashtags: #GRNGRID #GRN #SustainableBlockchain #DeFi #cryptocurrency