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RE: Potatoes and Lettuce Instead of a Lawn?

Started some potatoes in a container and they have really taken off. Good thing is, where the rest of my garden that bears fruit above ground is getting savaged by a unwelcome skunk or other critter, the potatoes are unharmed.

Noticed my tomatoes have claw marks so that harvest is hosed. Other strawberries are getting munched on. Lastly, I checked it one day and my entire Poblano plant was uprooted (but root ball seemed ok). Also, cilantro was a goner but I have since replaced.

Thankfully, it only seems to like the leaves on my pepper plants and hasn't messed with my Carolina reapers or jalapenos. I just ordered a trap. THIS skunk's vegetable buffet is CANCELLED!

Glad to see you got garden going. Less reliance on the grid, the better.

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I hope that trap works immediately, what a rotten guy eating up your sustainability like that! :D Glad the taters are unmolested! I'll be sending good vibes to you Anthony!

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