
Me either, I bet you'd be a real natural, especially in the herb department!

Have you ever grown sweet potatoes? And good job on the gardening! 😄

I tried one year, just throwing some in the ground, it was a fail. LOL! There is a method...I will perhaps learn it one day :) How bout you, done any container sweet potatoes? Do you know the method? hheeeee

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I don't know the method, I was hoping to pick up on some wisdom, lol. I'll have to try it at some point. I did try a russet in a bucket one year (I rhyme! Kinda) before I was allergic, and the GREENS GREW LIKE CRAZY. I left a little headspace in the bucket because I had read that I would need to build up the soil later, so I did that, and then it kept going crazy. So I literally wove grapevine around the top of the bucket to extend it by like eight inches and filled that. And then it still went crazy. And then it died. I didn't get any taters - but a lot of leaves, lol. Learning experience!

Oh my goodness...that's the saddest story ever, I wonder the reason for no taters...? Mind boggling!

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The mysteries that sometimes happen in container gardens, lol.

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