
oh my god.

I stumbled across this while searching for something totally different, yet it spoke so much to a situation I just finished writing. amazing timing. and super powerful reflections in here.

amazing, how words can bounce back like this a year later after they're written, to present themselves so perfectly when they're most potent.


Really glad to have been writing all year. Didd this appear at top of your search results?

oddly, yes. searched for a post on 'the subtle art of not giving a f*ck' by @the-alien, and this one came out in the top 3...

Just this last day, I have been intensively focusing on what seem to be the causal factors involved in how the pie gets cut up. Stuff about composition, common attention grabbers, trending and reward counts, the names of people who win rewards frequently, the idea of a composite mindset of the biggest voters and their bot algos.

I'm not here to milk it, but rather, to find a way to seed extremely valuable projects. They are highly speculative so I guess it makes sense that I focus on seeing these subtle background patterns behind the appearance of the present moment, and jump on what is coming forward before it is seen.

Hey buddy seems like you're into curation on a certain level.. may i suggest @liberosist's awesome article on it -

Discovering this article was quite the pivotal moment for curie's formation :)

Yes, I fully intend to help develop deeper insights into how people vote, and actually, yeah, more or less weaken whale power to win curation rewards, and distribute them a bit differently, by profiling the composite voting tendencies. And refine an understanding for writers to up the grade of article that is written, as a necessary consequence.

Lol i laughed so hard at this!

a great example of milking it is when stabelle started her secret writer program :).. her rewards went down pretty fast, and perhaps have not returned much since then, if she had stuck to doing about 3 great posts about herself per week... hmmmm?

Not too sure if that's milking - the posts were quite interesting.. but yeah it may seem like milking it - and constantly getting into the daily trending without upping the ante may wear down on some voters/users alike!

loved your writing since I first came across it, and it's only gotten better since.

a number of great points synergistically fused together and articulated perfectly in this. feel no need to add anything to the discussion via the comments, as you've summed up and stated well what ought to be said on the topic.

keep 'em coming... :-)

Thanks @rok-sivante! I hope all your lengthy advice in the early days ain't going to waste :D
Are you heading to Amsterdam for the fest? I've just confirmed my itinerary :D

if you meant any advice I gave you, it appears to have gone to excellent use. :-)

I don't think so. tempting. though was already planning for a Thailand honeymoon around that time. if do Amsterdam instead, gotta hit up some other spots in Europe - and for the two of that, it'd really be pushing budget, and would much rather do Europe in the spring/summer. not set in stone and still open to the possibility, though leaning towards the nay-no... :-/

boom!! perfect post it seems we boith think of the same things these days.
way to go

I think synchronicity is a real thing especially on Steemit :D - just saw the title of your latest, wtf? Gonna checkit out soon!

right?! Sincerely pretty amazing :)

but goodness is omnipresent if the conditions are right.

The real essence of life!
I hope everyone reads this excellent post!

Thanks @norbu! And will I be seeing you in Amsterdam?? :D

Those are some excellent points @kevinwong. The trollers and FUDers need to read this as much as anyone milking the system. They need to take a step back and figure out how they are adding value to the eco-system and not just deriving value out of it. It's would do everyone some good if they keep an ear to the ground and work on the platform! :)

I think the next step is to truly figure out the fiat-crypto value streams, it really needs to happen.. maybe within the year!

You bring up a lot of great points, @kevinwong.
In the past two months on steemit I've seen a lot of emotional overreactions quickly spin out if control.

Personally, I'm glad that I wasn't the center of any of them, and I'm glad that I never joined in either.

I think greed us interesting also. People seem to hate it in others, and yet will rant for hours because they aren't making more money themselves.

Hopefully, people will heed your advice.

There has been some interesting articles about greed in older Steemit posts! I think conflicts are maybe necessary and also glad that some sacrificed their reputation for direct confrontation (usually for the good of others), but I just think it can be done differently..

Yes, doing things the best way possible is always best.

Let us learn from the mistakes of others and contemplate our moves before we make them.

There will always be conflict, but we can choose how to deal with it.

Amazing post!

I was having some of the very same thoughts lately! :)

Syncing minds.. Steemit is creepy like that! In a good way lol :D

Haha true! We seem to have them a lot :)

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