Blogging is a marathon, not a sprint. Therefore, start typing ... calmly - my guide steem

in #guide8 years ago (edited)

You start to write a blog, or wear with such intention, viewing all the possible guides on this ... to see if this "sport" is for you - start typing. Blogging is a long-distance marathon, which requires commitment, heart, your unique personality, work effort and time. What many people do not realize before blogging.

The best way to learn to be a blogger is to be a blogger.

Creating a blog on platormie will take a few seconds. Its development, promotion - it's months and sometimes even years of hard work. About how much he really takes the time to do it, you'll find only on the way. Therefore, the most important is the pleasure we derive from this and contacts you earn.

Blogging is not a job, it's a lifestyle.

Blogging takes time. The truth is that only a few bloggers manage to break through.


Start writing calmly and slowly rising in power.

How to write a blog?

Write, because it's the only way to check whether blogging really turns you on.

Do not be discouraged if after a few fairly and with the heart of written texts is not a whole litany of praise and comments of hundreds of thousands of followers on Steemit. First, you have a lot to give before you get.

By the way ... As readers have to get to if you do not i set up the road signs?

Write and becoming a part of the blogosphere.

Write even if you have the impression that no one reads. If at the same time begin to visit other blogs and you try to make them more interesting by adding interesting, inspiring comments, it will return this with a vengeance ... in the future.

Some of the bloggers will reward you visit and comment. Sam try to do it (as best I can), but do not always follow. As your blog will grow you will be able to suggest re-written the earlier entries for example, by linking to them in recent texts. For example, as I am here to post about how to write effective articles.

Write and build their own, unique style.

Pour it in your heart and personality. You have to spill a lot of ink on paper, or tap out hundreds of letters on the keyboard in order to develop their own style.

The more you write, the easier it will be coming you formulate your own, brilliant, unique ideas for their own ingenious way. Do not try to please everyone, because anyone yet failed to do so, as the world exists. "If you are convinced that you can interest the reader his work, add to it more" I ", a pinch of ruthlessness, a little arrogance, quite a lot of confidence ...»

Curiosity - is a feature of a good journalist, personality - a good blogger. Combine them together and you have a recipe for an interesting lyrics.

Write, because the only way you can find your way and subject matter.

Your subject matter is in you .... always. (It's also a quote from the fireplace). But sometimes it takes time to realize it. About what you have most to say? For what you write about the most? What posts are the most successfully among readers.

Do not forget about the statistics - it is worth from time to time to analyze them.

Looking spying and other bloggers noticed that the subject of the blog often crystallized only with time (unless I'm not an exception). Even if we still have it in himself. It's like the choice of path in life.

Some immediately know what they want to do in life, others need to be led astray and come to this after a period of time (trial and error).

It is therefore important to choose a good domain name address (blog), and do not shoot yourself in the foot by selecting too precise name. Because something like VADEMECUM blogger may at some stage be limited to the wider development of the wings. Long gone are the days when Google really paid attention in the search results on the words contained in the name of your blog.

Write every day a little bit.

Not too much, not to avoid "overheating contacts". Not too much, not to run out of time to promote what you write. Not a lot to you enough time to read the others.

Because better writing comes just from a better, ie more frequent, careful reading.

Best writting comes from the best reading.

To blog continues to grow you need to provide it with fresh content. Where to look for still new ideas? Content is everywhere. Content, that content is everywhere.

Find inspiration, peek what others are doing. Learn. Science is a project for life.

Write to find out if you have a soul blogger.

Do not be under the false impression that no effort can create a popular blog. Because you can not. Even if apparently some are successful. As well poke around, it turns out that earlier all the time wrote a blog, build contacts, perfected his craft, sought his style of what you really want to write. Until it resulted.

Write about what you believe, what you lived, what you experienced.

The blogger is not a duplication of knowledge, which is already known.

The enthusiasm, joy, commitment, confidence in their own words pierces the text. Not all the texts you will go. Because there is someone who has everything to be successful. Blog not in order to create the best blog under the sun, but in order to write a text that would bring something good in life reader, inspire a positive for the next day.

Your goal is not to write a great blog, it's to write a great day for your readers.

The ideal would be to write such a thing, after reading what a reader will think: "How good that I read."

Write for your own pleasure.

If you already do, you're on the right track. I work because I love this shit. Success is not about achieving something in the future, but for doing what you love here and now.

Write to the store and note down ideas for further entries. Do not let escape good ideas.

Write, but if you feel that what you wrote is not good, put it away for later. Come see your texts. Do not post immediately. Wait until about in you matures until it yourself and are thinking about are thinking about.

Before publishing the text put for 24 hours.

This advice I give all experienced bloggers. Sleep on it (with text), without shaggy thoughts, read it again the next day and fix or throw in new thoughts.

In any case, do not post if you do not feel it. Do not post just anything. Trust readers builds slowly. Easy to squander.

Try to understand your readers. Engage the other person. Solve problems, suggests solutions.

Sick first to understand, Thant to be understood.

"People do not like what the writer writes, if that does not like people. "People are not interested you as a blogger until you show them that you care about them. How?

Building contacts, responding to comments (I know, for me it is the last - I write too much), analyzing statistics and watching what entries and topics are of most interest to readers.

As someone figuratively said, not analyzing statistics is like driving at night without lights on. So the pressure on the front of the dark.

Statistics (any) can easily add to your blog. I recommend Google Analytics, because the data on this page the most convincing potential advertisers. Soon I will write you about other services, which alone using, or Statcounter.

Consider, investigate, ask (do a survey, watch statistics): Who is the reader of your blog? Who reads what you write?

Bet on quality, not quantity.

Good quality, unique, valuable, useful content should be your goal. Here, quality is more important than quantity.

However, do not forget that the blog Unless updated dies. Google loves blogs, precisely because they are updated regularly.

If you lack the materials for fresh content (content), write again (but different) about something that already wrote. You may be surprised how many interesting, new things have to be added. Share longer text for a few shorter. Read, develop themselves. Keep your eyes and ears open. Listen to yourself, and do not run out of ideas for further entries.

When you write text before you publish it, read again and shorten where possible.

Text halved, gains of 50%. According to the principle "Less is more. "Just the text on the screen read 30% slower.

Do not copy others.

Each blog is different, no other customers and develops his rhythm.

Be patient. Be patient.

I know this is not a revolutionary feature, but unfortunately need to equip her blogging.

First live, then write. Because blogging is not a job, it's a lifestyle.


Great tips you gave there. Main thing is to love writing, rewards and followers will come, it is a marathon type of deal and steemit is so new.

well said lili95. It is a marathon. And needs dedication. Would you use AI (Artifical Intelligence) to improve writing skills?

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