How Blockchain is Helping to Fight the Coronavirus

in #guide4 years ago

The lack of reliable data has been one of the ongoing issues in the first stages of the world pandemic. And not only because of the hoaxes, but also owing to the excess of different voices and data sources. Having a reliable and robust system to transmit information, based on common standards, has been one of the greatest needs for governments, organizations, and society at large. And it looks like blockchain could become a powerful ally. Currently, several platforms use this technology to provide helpful services in an unheard-of situation. These are some of the most promising blockchain applications around right now.


Blockchain to monitor donations and resources

Despite some exceptions, collective solidarity has been one of the driving forces throughout this crisis. From the first moment, companies and individuals made generous donations to face the challenge. In a context with compromised supply chains and with pressing needs from healthcare workers, blockchain can offer new and valuable tools. Platforms like Shanzong in China track the origin of donations and guarantee every step until they reach their recipients.

Assigning resources appropriately is another challenge. Knowing what protection equipment is available and where the demand is highest can improve distribution. Alipay, also in China, is working on a blockchain-based solution that allows the management of masks, gloves, and other essential equipment.
Blockchain to control the flow of information

As we have already mentioned, receiving quality information is more relevant than ever. HashLog is a blockchain-based platform that visualizes the spreading of the coronavirus epidemic in real-time. To achieve it, it works with data from different countries and official bodies. Anyone can check the number of infected, deceased, and recovered patients across the world.

MiPasa is a similar platform, albeit with the backing of the World Health Organization and tech behemoths like Oracle or Microsoft. Based on IBM’s HyperLedger Fabric blockchain solution, this innovative project aims to improve the information available on the evolution of the coronavirus. According to its backers, it will allow the early detection of coronavirus patients and the critical contagion points. This will be achieved by integrating private and official data, together with information from hospitals and healthcare institutions. The protection of privacy will be an essential element.
Blockchain to manage prescriptions and identities

Another application we mentioned in a previous article on the applications of blockchain, there are already solutions like Prescrypto to manage the supply of medicine. This new generation of medical prescriptions guarantees the identity of patients while protecting their identity. Indeed, innovative technologies that reduce the burden on healthcare systems will be a more than welcome tool in the fight against coronavirus.

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