Gun Control

in #gun8 years ago

No one creates campaigns to prevent people from writing a book, because they might liable someone, likewise, no one creates campaigns to prevent people from owning a car because they may cause an accident or otherwise hurt someone. However, people do write books where they write lies, people do cause accidents and hurt others with automobiles. These issues are dealt with only when they come up (rightfully so). If someone is liable, that person is sued, if someone hurts someone with an automobile, this is also dealt with in the courts. Then why is it that people are so quickly convinced to jump on bandwagons that campaign against gun ownership because someone might misuse a gun? The answer to this is propaganda, most people watch a lot of television, people are subtly or openly taught to fear guns and people who own guns. Violent acts with guns are sensationalized and openly lied about in the news and even when the lies are pointed out or admitted, the damage is already done. Many people who see these stories have preconceptions about guns because guns are unfamiliar to them and they have already been taught to fear them. The guns that most of these campaigns are trying to ban are used in a trivial number of gun crimes. When gun crimes do happen, for example, a school shooting, what does a bystander do? They call the cops, not because cops have superpowers, but because they will show up (hopefully in time) WITH A GUN. The reality is, and you can ask any cop you know, the vast majority of the time police do not show up in time to prevent crimes, they show up after the crime has already been committed. This is the reason that the majority of violent crimes in this country happen in gun free zones or in cities with the most anti-gun laws (for example Detroit). For every sensationalized case of gun violence in the news, there are several instances of such violence being prevented by someone who carries a gun. These stories are rarely if ever reported on nationally and even when they are, they are not nearly as sensationalized. No gun, even the most “scary looking” gun is dangerous unless a person points it at someone and pulls the trigger. The individual doing the violent act is the one causing the danger, not the gun.

If a criminal breaks into your house and wants to hurt you or your family, they will most likely be armed, calling the police will not help you, neither will any degree of self-defense techniques, you will not be able to reason with them, if you are lucky, you may be able to just let them rob you and leave (if that’s all they want to do). A gun and knowing how to use it on the other hand, can help you in this situation. If a criminal attacks a public place where you are with the intent of harming someone, calling the police will not help, the criminal is not going to wait 10 minutes to an hour for the police to show up; having a gun or having a gun owner nearby can help in this situation. If a person does not want to own a gun, they definitely shouldn’t, but it is lunacy to try and force someone else who wants to own guns from doing so.

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