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RE: A few of mine @silversaver888

in #guns5 years ago

A fascinating array of guns. Not quite my favorite but I can see the attraction of going boom boom. 🤔🙄 Still can't upvote your post as my VP is currently on the beach recharging the batteries after some hectic upvoting shenanigans. 🙄 😊

Posted using Partiko Android


No worries. I realize this isnt the kind if post for everyone. Silversaver888 showed me part of a collection so I am showing these off 😎

Glad you are well.

you missy are on a vote cool down ;) :P

😂 😂 😂 This too shall pass... Like a kidney stone... Painful but it will pass. 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

heay now, i should be your nurse.. i GOT em drugs for ya , y a wount feel a thingimabob ;)

Yeah cool your jets. lol