Use Your Pain To Get More Done.

in #habits5 years ago

Use Your Pain To Get More Done..png

Going back years when I first started coaching I tried to be as perfect as I could. If I couldn't do it perfectly then I wouldn't do it at all.

I concluded though that this wasn't working out very well for me. I soon changed and uncovered the pain that was holding me back.

I had a deep fear of not being good enough as a coach starting out.

Now that I had identified the pain that was holding me back it was time to do the hard thing.

It's difficult.

If something is really challenging, we tend to shy away from it as it seems just so overwhelming or even impossible.

This however is the place where we grow.

We can ask ourselves:

What am I afraid of?

What scares me or makes me annoyed and gives me negative feelings towards completing. The things that scares us are usually the difficult, challenging tasks or projects.

How’s that working for you? What could you do to change today, to try something new and begin to travel in a new direction?

We don't want a complete overhaul right now, too soon, too fast.

Focus on one new habit at a time.

What would support progress towards your goals today?

Keep simple and reasonable, that you are sure you can complete each day. Make it as easy as possible to begin with to gain momentum and confidence.

Consistency will get you close to your goal and begin by starting with a habit that gets you closer to that goal, make it doable.

Practice it and keep it up for at least 2 weeks to solidify the habit further.

Some days will be easy and some will be hard, if we expect that then there will eventually be more easier days.

Keep practicing, focusing on consistency and building upon the daily wins and successes.

What could you be ready to build on and improve?

Keep repeating this cycle and things will become easier and we get better at facing our pains and fears becoming better equipped for change.

It's going to feel uncomfortable, but that's when we know we're on the right track.

So get ready, willing and able to dig deep, find your why, and uncover the root of your pain.

And we may discover the purpose and passion we’ve been missing.

I know there's more to your story and circumstance.

I'm here to help you find the results you really want.
