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RE: Are hackers really hacking or exposing government hacking tools and programs?

in #hackers7 years ago

Well judging by the fact they were claiming to have proof of the Russian hack into the DNC though the FBI and CIA did not have access to the server and just had to trust the word of a third party company that told them it was there, and based upon the fact those of us that know something about hacking know the most they'd have is an IP address and that wouldn't prove shit, then I'd say I am very skeptical when the government makes ANY claims of hacking these days.

They are preying upon the minds of a populace that only knows hacking from watching CSI, NCIS, and other television crime shows where the hacking portions are so fake and unreal it is not even funny. They make it look way easier than it is, as most of the time if the hacker even knows slightly what they are doing you are not going to catch them by analyzing a server. The only way to catch them is with a honey pot, catch them in the act, and physically show up at their location while they are still actively doing the hack. Short of that it is nearly impossible to prove anything of the sort.


Very well said, I am waiting to see the next couple hacks especially any concerning electoral process, that kind of revelation can wreck some ship if people see the big picture.... its a funny world even if you tell folks the truth outright they still question you or say it can't be that obvious that's why conspiracy are so popular, its the only way of keeping their attention for an extended period to help them see the light

Yeb and because people believe in the CSI bullshit they can be liar's even in court. They are not our friends. They really are criminals.

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