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RE: Halloween contest & promo - tricks and treats

in #halloween6 years ago (edited)

Sadly, I no longer participate in the devil's social media. However, my demon Russian wife does. I'll get her to post! However, kindly count us out of the running as we would like to see this going to newer, emerging users!

Cool initiative, GTG. Keep it up!


Thank you! :-)

@matt-a The most hilarious comment I have ever read in Steemit so far.I also try to avoid devil's social media but you know when some opportunity of earning comes up,then I find them extremely handy.

Best wishes to you and your wife.

Russian wife? you mean your mother? Lmao :) don't listen to this idiot. He's an ass kisser/dick-rider & str8 cyber-bully. Don't believe me check out his feed. He's exposed; he's crying. So he tries to have me "banned." how'd that work out for ya bud? Haha. Keep abusing/using inherent curation flaws/loopholes meant for authors like myself not money-grubbing bottom-feeders like yourself. Here you go:

Gotta run. Have fun. I'm just getting warmed up. I took two days off with the wifey & logged back on to find my steemrep at 5 cause this punk is hellbent on "destroying my profile" since I exposed him as the bottom-feeding parasite he is. Don't take my word for it; nor his. I've constructed all the puzzle pieces together on one paint document. Now as a neutral 3rd party observer; you can draw your own objective conclusion on whether or not this prick is "in the right" or not. This was never personal for me. Yet he thinks he can "ban" me just because he crunches numbers & steels payouts/curation rewards from real content creators. Good luck with that matty/boris. I'm not going anywhere. :) Except out with the wifey; just some food for thought for your "viewers".

cyber-bully matt.png

And I"m the loser? My rep is 5... or was 5... after it was 65; because you spent hundreds flagging & trying to "crush" my account like an idiot. What you didn't expect was that I would push back. Don't take my word for it; don't take @matt-a's word for it; the puzzle pieces are right there, neatly packed & put together in a paint document all of 15 minutes long... You're welcome.

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