Happiness is subjective, it depends on you.

in #happiness5 years ago (edited)

So what is Happiness in life?

We can find a lot of different definitions of Happiness. Happiness can have a different meaning for any of us. If we look for a definition in a dictionary is more likely we find something like: “the state of being happy”, with being happy: “feeling or showing pleasure or contentment”, but each of us has a different way to get pleasure. Let’s start with a quote that for me is one of my best definitions of happiness by Charles Spurgeon, "It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.” The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.

Have you ever met a happy person; I mean a really happy person?

I think you probably did. I remember, when I was still struggling to be happy, and I was meeting happy people you could tell from miles, they were really happy. They had a big smile on their face, always in a good mood and ready to laugh and have fun and you could feel their presence, their energy just entering a room. I used to, and to be honest still, now, feel attracted to them.

I remember that I used to feel good in their presence happiness can be contagious while at that time I used to have ups and downs and sometimes I was annoyed with myself. Not having an answer, I was just thinking that they were born like that. They were born happy people. It wasn’t a good answer to me but sometimes we need to find some excuses to make us feel better. Now I realized that this can be true that some people might be “born” happy even if also I believe that we were all born with the capacity of being happy but unfortunately, it faded away by the time we were growing up. It’s very important the environment we live in during the first years of our life. Our family, our teachers, our first friends have got an important part of our formation when we are kids, we absorb everything like a sponge.

Be a happy person, live a happy life, it doesn’t mean we will not encounter problems in our lives, and we are happy 24/7, that’s quite impossible, I would say. The most important thing is to learn not to dwell on problems so we can spend most of the time with a happy state of mind.

What is Happiness for me?

My happiness is when I feel calm, in peace with myself and connected to my surroundings. I can then appreciate and value all the small things, feel grateful for what I have and what I am. I can live in the moment because the past and the future are not disturbing me anymore. This is what happiness is for me, a state of mind I can create that can nurture my body and my soul.

Life is full of habits, let’s make Happiness one of them.



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