How to be happy

in #happiness3 years ago


Happiness is a gift and the trick is not to expect it, but appreciate it when it comes. We are in a world that is full of crime and crisis, this make us sad almost every time. But in this we can see that they are still people who are still moving happily as if nothing has happened, and that is because they know and have implemented the principles to happiness.
Now let's go to why we are here. If we are not to chase happiness what are we to do? The answer is simple, follow some basic principles and you will get "happiness" as a by product. Here are some of the principles that have worked for many decades.

"If you aren't grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more"--Roy .T. Bennett. Being thankful is not something that you do only when you have much, you can also be thankful when you have less. There are many things and I repeat many things we are to be grateful for. Think of some people you knew before now but they are no more. But we wake up every morning and some still complain, that's not good. Let's be grateful for breathe, be grateful for family, be grateful and you will see the drastic turn around in your life.
Note:- Happiness don't bring gratitude, but gratitude brings happiness. When you do this you will have this words "What a wonderful life I've had, I only wish I'd realized sooner".

"Happiness is not just doing fun things, happiness is in doing meaningful things"--Maxime Lagacé. If you observe nature you would notice that it does not work for itself. The sun give light to humans, the tree produce fruit not for itself but for benefits of others. So is man, we are here to make the earth a better place for everyone. Let's heal the world and make it a better place for you and for me and the entire universe, there are people dying if you care enough for a living. We can start by helping our friends and family. Am sure that you have been helping the little way you can and i would like to say thank you. We could also help strangers. No matter your status or position in life, you have a role to play.
Note:- If you others to be happy, practice compassion, and if you want to be happy practice compassion also. Happiness is not something already made, it comes from your actions--Dalai Laman. According to a great man "A life lived for others is a life worthwhile".

"The time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted". Most people feel that the time they spent with friends and loved ones are wasted, but I don't feel that's entirely true. There are times we overspend time but it's also necessary to spend time with the ones we love. Make sure you tell them all we really wanted to tell them(I'd recommend compliment more than criticism).

"Doing what you like is freedom, Liking what you do is Happiness"--Frank Tyger. Most humans complain about their jobs, but not all of them try to find a remedy for it. Am not saying quit your job and stay home, am saying learn to love your job or create the one you love. You are too valuable to be bitter always. Apart from jobs you can also do what you love by enjoying yourself, taking a break to plan your life, doing or working toward your passion. In doing what we love you open yourselves to lots of possibilities.


"We don't laugh because we are happy, we are happy because we laugh"--William James. Smiling is a great tool but not all of us know how to utilize it. The art of smiling encompasses various aspects of our lives. In time past most great people of history are people who have had it easy working with other humans. And smiling is one essential tool that aids that ability. Smiling is contagious and if everyone is smiling we can work together and achieve more. So smiling helps us work together and this breeds happiness. "Thousand of candles can be lite from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness doesn't decrease by being shared".

"The test of happiness is not in when you have all, but also when you have none"--Nabu Victor. With this quote above I want to deduce something. I know in the above text I have made emphasis on spending time with loved ones, but there is a place for being alone. Am not saying be a loner am saying have time so yourself. In this time we keep for ourselves, we use it in analyzing and planning our lives. This is very essential because we will have time to refill our energy and this will give us a sense of focus and fulfillment.

In life we are going to be faced with the wall of challenges and troubles, these are not to stop us from getting to our goal, but it's there to see who cares enough to break it down. We sure make many mistakes but we should not dwell on them, life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it. Your regrets will do nothing to help you if you dwell on them.
Do not compare yourself with others, eat healthy meal and do exercises regularly, accept yourself and try to forgive others.
You don't need people's approval if you want to be happy. If you want to be happy, be. "I am very happy because I have conquered myself and not the world, and also I am very happy because I have loved the world and not myself.