The real cause of your anxiety!

in #happiness7 years ago

Anxiety is not threat management, as much it has the purpose to prevent threats from happening in the first place.

This means that even if you are in a safe environment, there is still a potential for danger and a reason to feel anxious. Because it is impossible to create an absolutely safe environment, you could wrap the entire world in bubble wrap, it wouldn't put a dent in too your anxiety.

Because your anxiety comes from the inside, it comes from the fact that you are self-conscious, because you know that you exist you will eventually figure out very early that you are vulnerable to danger and that you eventually are going to die.

Early on in life since you where a baby you relayed on the approval of your parent or the adults around you to manage your anxiety. If they would approve of you it means that they liked you and love you, so they would going to care and protect you.

Being approved of others gave you confidence, pulled you out of your head and kept you in a spontaneous mood.

There is an experiment done in the early days of science, where they raised a child with all the bare essentials things that were necessary to survive, like food, water, safe room and they cleaned the child. But they never interacted with the child or show any affection towards it. That baby literally stressed himself to death, because baby are helpless and lack the ability to manage and regulate their own emotions.

If your family approved of you whenever you were a child, it is very unlikely to be self conscious or have a lot of anxiety, you might be a little self conscious or anxious but is what would be considered normal today.

However if you were raised by neglectful adults you are going to feel very self conscious and experience a lot of anxiety very early in life. Which puts you in a vicious cycle, because the natural instinct of heard animal is to abandon significantly damage members to protect the heard.

Most people that will come in contact with you they will reject you because you signal them with your self consciousness that you have nothing to offer and that you are a burden, or they will try to change you, but not approve of you the way you are in your current state. Which will keep you in a state of self consciousness and high anxiety.

Luckily there is another way out of your self consciousness, that is through acceptance, or surrender to life. Early on you were one hundred pro-cent reliable on the people around you, today if you are an adult you could even survive alone in a forest if you want, it is not necessary to be around other people. It makes life more interesting and easy to live in civilization but not a necessity.

Being approved of others when you were a child would've made you accept yourself, today because you no longer fully relay on others it is enough to accept yourself right know.

However the problem with surrender is that it is impossible to teach, it is something that you will have to discover by yourself. If I am going to teach you a technique, that means that I am teaching you to control.


The anxiety is somewhat difficult to control but medicine is self confidence. Good post.

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