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RE: Positive Thinking, Bad News Sells and the Power of Intention

in #happiness5 years ago

I think you hit the nail on the head with "Big pharma doesn't want happy people".

My perspective is part of the food and poor diets, the body doesn't function at an optimal level also causing endocrine damage that translate into a lower brain performance. Combined with all the advertising, tv propaganda and the message being put out that you must have ___ or you must be ___ sets unrealistic expectations on the general population when they struggle to get to the white picket fence "dream" and those who are not into this feel pressured to conform and spend $$ they may not have in order to not be judged by their peers or be seen as competent and "winning at life". Insecure people make others insecure to make themselves feel better and it's unfortunate. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. I do notice no one seems to care anymore on how they treat each other.

I see this especially in my generation, with the age of cell phones and internet, instant gratification is the only way and maybe have forgotten that the good things in life and success takes time and hard work and failing at something isn't the end of the world or the end of trying. Seems like people give it a soft effort and flee at the first signs of failure. Nothing good in life comes easy.

I still can't wrap my head around glorifying pop stars and celebrities, perhaps paying them too much attention has set unrealistic living standards that most of us will never achieve and maybe why so many feel depressed and hopeless and unwilling to do anything to better themselves? To me that is a waste of time, too many simple pleasures to be enjoyed all around us and be thankful to be alive, people need to slow down and learn to enjoy the simple little things most take for granted everyday and surround themselves with great people that enrich their lives instead of based on their popularity and maybe put down the electronic devices and social media from time to time, at the very least learn to stop comparing their lives to what the see on it and realize that people only post their best moments and not their worst. I have been called fake for being happy in general but whatever, I make the effort to succeed and change my expectations when I need to. You can lead a horse to the water but ya can't force him to drink.

I love the duckies on the water!! Winter is long here and they are just starting to return, I can't wait to go to the park and get them with their ducklings soon.

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