What Are The Benefits Of Ketogenic Lifestyle And What Kind Of Food You Can Eat

in #health8 years ago

Hello guys, i am hoping you are all doing well, today i wanna give you an insight of all the good things that come from keto diet and what kinds of food you can eat.

I wanted to talk about the benefits first then we will switch to seeing what food you can eat, but lets see how does keto work in the first place.


How does keto work?

Well our bodies use sugar or glucose for an energy source and it is stored in our muscles and liver. Because we cant make glucose we have it only for 24 hours and after that our body starts burning fat as energy. So long story short keto removes all the glucose from our bodies and starts burning fat.

Why was keto made?

It was developed to help with epilepsy in the first case but it also had benefits on other medical problems.
It is proven that doing keto diet kills cancer cells and it can even prevent it from happening,

It was also used to treat alzheimer's and unvind the simptoms.

Weight loss is another great benefit that you get from keto.

But what are the benefits for everybody?

Weight loss


First benefit of keto is losing some weight while you are on it. Keto is carbs restriction diet and studies have shown that people on low carb diet lose more weight in shorter tine peroid.

Good cholesterol?

Because low carb diets such as keto tend to be high in fat intake it is shown that HDL is increased in blood. HDL also know High Density Lipoprotein in high levels prevents heart diseases.

Reduced Insulin Levels and Blood Sugar

When you eat carbs they transfer into sugars and enter bloodstream and elevate blood sugar level. High sugars are toxic so our body try to defend itself by creating hormone called insulin and then he brings glucose into cells. For people who are not resistant enough to insulin it can give you a disease called diabetes.So how to fix this? Eat less carbs and that is what keto is best at.


Lower blood pressure

When you reduce carbs you also reduce your blood pressure and that can prevent a lot of diseases.


Have you ever tried a diet and felt so hungry all the time? Most of the people give up on dieting because of that.But its a different story in low carb diets because reducing your carb intake reduces your hunger in a good way.


You will have lots of it. You will feel full off energy all through the day and never sleepy. I was always taking a nap in the afternoon before starting keto but know i dont remember the last time i took a nap and i am never sleepy.


Are you having problems with heartburn? Taking pills for it everyday? I know i did and i had to take a pill to calm the heartburn down almost every day. Ive been on keto for the past 4 months and i dont remember the last time i had problems with heartburn or took a pill for it.



Do you ever stuff yourself up with all kinds of carbs and you feel so bloated and heavy with the feeling you cant move anywhere. Try keto that wont happen ever again.

As you can see theres a lot of benefits and good things while being on keto. But the main question is what can you eat while you are on keto? Well let me show you.



You can eat whatever meat you want that is high in quality like Chicken, Pork, Wild meat, any kind of fish is good and animal products such as eggs.


Fats depend on how much fats you need, but you should eat healthy fats that you can find in eggs, fatty meats, and fish. You can also get fats from real clean butter, olive oil, coconut oil etc.



You should try and keep your carb intake on 20g a day.And you can get that from various green vegetables such as spinach,kale,cauliflower etc.


You should always keep your electrolytes in check because on keto you flush them out of your system faster. Recommended intake is 5000mg sodium, 1000mg potassium and 300mg magnesium and drink at least 2.5l of water daily.

Thats about it what you should know about the benefits and food you can eat. It may look complicated in the begining but once you get a hang of it you will love it.

Thank you for taking your time and reading if you have any kind of questions feel free to leave them at the comments section and i will try to answer them.

Best wishes to you all, Vjeko


The much more important topic would the dangers of ketogenic diet, as they are many, and can even be fatal.

I'm betting money that those doctor supervised diets were skewed to make Keto fail. Basically, if you have problems whilst doing Keto (Unless you're taking Spiro or have Thyroid issues) then you're doing Keto wrong. Every study that's done Keto correctly has had stunning, thrilling, and fantastic results.

The whole LDL thing is inaccurate. They're not measuring for Pattern A(the good ones) versus Pattern B(the bad ones).

Sugar companies like Coca-cola are paying for studies that downplay the effectiveness of Keto. Don't trust any study unless you know who's paying for it.

Besides, this dude had his initial stats wrong. Keto wants 20-50g of carbs, 80g of carbs, and around 200g of healthy fats.

You can't make me go back to high-carb, calorie restricting misery.

Actually, those results are from the original study that was done on, and promoted the keto diet.

There is no reason to restrict calories on a healthy diet; calorie counting is just a scapegoat used to keep people from looking at the actual issues: processed sugars, grains, and oils, dairy (which humans can't process), chemical ingredients, and all of the other non-foods considered "normal" for people to eat.

The truth of it though, is that any diet with animal products is neither healthy, sustainable, or moral.

I dont know but that guy in the video doesnt look so healthy to me maybe he should eat a nice big steak or two. Ill stick to eating meat and eggs as much as i can. But hey every man chooses for himself, thank you for checking out my post :)


Hi @baldos, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads yesterday and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

Well thank you for stopping by and reading my post. Ill go check out the comment you wrote about the post.

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Thank you for reading my content, i really appriciate it. Ill check you guys out on discord :).

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