My Story With Antidepressants

in #health7 years ago

I don't know if there is a specific mental health day coming up, but I saw a few people discussing their experiences with antidepressants and I wanted to chime in with my perspective. I have been on antidepressants for almost the majority of my life at this point. I started when I was 13 and I am closing in on 25. My goal is to try to get off them before I pass the majority of my life mark in about a year and a half. I'm hoping maybe someone will feel like this story hit a chord with them, especially if they are going through rough times. I'm glad to say I made it out of what felt like the roughest time in my life, but I am still young so that could come later.

I was never really a depressed person or child, but what I did experience were debilitating panic attacks that would basically send my internal panic meter from 1 to 10 in a matter of seconds. Antidepressant medications usually work on both sides of the spectrum so someone with depression might take the same meds at someone with anxiety. If you have never had a panic attack its hard to explain but your heart rate goes through the roof like you had just been running, you start sweating profusely, you feel stomach discomfort and intestinal movements and basically your fight of flight senses hit you. Usually your mind is telling you something like “you need to get out of here now”. Its a terrible feeling and usually caused by something else in your past or something going on in the present with your life.

For me, I started experiencing them at school and slowly started shutting down. I had weird triggers where certain rooms or teachers might set me off and I would have to run to the bathroom. I ended up heavily medicating myself to just get through the day. My grades ultimately suffered, but by the end of high school I found a decent balance. The biggest drawback though is I almost always have to take a quick nap during the day because the medication drains my energy. This is something I desperately want to fix especially since I need to find a full time job.

In the past couple of years I decided that I wanted to lower the amount of medication I was taking, specifically because I had graduated from college and no longer needed the amount I was taking to function on a daily basis. I was able to cut the medication in half and remove one I was taking completely, but the one I am still on is extremely hard to get off of. It is called effexor and falls under the category of an SNRI which is notoriously harder quit than an SSRI. The side effects are brutal to say the least. Even just lowering the dosage little by little, I will experience brain zaps where I feel like I leave my body for a second, panic attacks, weakness, nausea and an overall out of body feeling while it adjusts. Needless to say its a struggle to do it, even with the help of a doctor.

The antidepressants I have taken have helped me immensely but I almost always tell people that if they can function without them, then try to do it. People will often say antidepressants make you feel “weird” which they explain as sort of feeling a bit removed from their body. This becomes the norm for someone like me who really doesn't remember what it feels like to not take the drugs. Antidepressants bring your feeling to a neutral in many ways. You don't feel the super highs you get from fun, but you also wont feel the super lows. For a time this was okay for me because I needed to finish my schooling, but at this point in my life, I want to actually feel what it feels like to live. I definitely have a lot of work going forward, but hopefully I can succeed.



Here is my advice.

If you have a good family, some friends, a bf or gf, you go to school, you have a job..or you have most of these things.. and you still feel highly anxious, depressed, should not only reach out for some sort of help..but medication may be absolutely necessary for you.

If on the other hand you don't have many of those things I mentioned..well, there is a chance that maybe some CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) or some other form of therapy, will help you get direction to get some of those things (start school, get a partner, better relationships with family, etc)..and that in itself might change your life. You might not need meds.

I have no interest in promoting I'm a Psychology grad student..but I have seen them change peoples lives for the better very drastically. Some meds might not work for you, some may give you bad side effects, but the right one could be exactly what you need.

I have done CBT unfortunately it didnt have much success after a year. I have family relationships but I want to focus on myself before I ever get into a romantic relationship.

That is the unfortunate part about both talk therapy and medication..sooner or later they stop working. Some people are lucky that their meds work for them for many years.

But, the good news is, that for many people, depression or anxiety goes away later in life even if they never had any type of intervention. I really hope this is the case for you.

This is really smart. Relationships are hard work and can really take a tole on mental health.

My dad @petruska13 weaned himself off effexor and it was brutal. I think he systematically shaved tiny slivers off the tablet. You have a healthy attitude toward medication and I'm sure you will eventually succeed in your endeavours. This is a tough world, and everyday we just try to cope as best we can. It is all we can do. :)

Yeah its extremely hard. SNRIs are no joke when it comes to getting off them. I hope I can get down to 1 pill from 2 in the next few months and then I might have to start pulling little balls out of the capsules.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I consider myself lucky not to have had any problems like those in my life, although I might have experienced mild panic attacks in a specific phase of my life, I knew what caused them and it eventually ended with time. I've been close to people who suffered from depression and anxiety though, I've actually been ina brief relationship with one (which she ended, much to my dismay) and I know it's a daily battle. Hang in there. Your will to get out of it is not irrelevant and it will never be.

Yeah with me I dont know what really causes my panic attacks or the root of the problem. I know some triggers, but I have always been an anxious child. I remember having panic attacks at 8 years old.

I have never taken any medications but I actually have thought a lot about it.

Sometimes y feel very anxious at things and I don’t know how to handle it. This is not so serious in order to require medication I believe, but it’s certainly a little problem I have.

When I went to defend my thesis I had to took some natural relaxing syrup.

Although therapy hasnt worked particularly well for me, if you are still functioning at a semi decent level, I would highly suggest it. I have friends who it has worked well for. If you get to a really bad point you could always check out a low dose of less impactful drugs.

My dad has been taking antidepressants for larger part of his life too. More than 30 years I think. Be that as it may, by and large...

it made him to a greater extent a zombie than a solid individual. In the event that he doesn't take his medications, he likewise begins to freeze and winds up plainly on edge. He can't get off of those ..

antidepressants, since he has been taking them for quite a while. Like you stated, the symptoms are merciless and it's path better to endeavor to live without them ,if conceivable.

I trust you figure out how to carry on with a solid existence without them.I wish you a considerable measure of good fortune, since you essentially can't encounter life like an ordinary individual can. You can do it.

Carry on your activity.
Best of luck..✌✌✌

I hope that he can try and get off the ones that have turned him into a zombie. I hope to do the same. Best wishes to him.

Thank you for sharing your story with antidepressants. I also described a doctor who once prescribed an antidepressant medication. In the treatment of alkaline neuropathy, I took these drugs for three days and I stopped eating again.
It made me sleep more than I woke up in addition to nausea and a sense of relaxation ...

Yeah many people just dont like the drugs and cant actually use them for long periods of time. Im glad you are able to function without them.

Wow, I have never used any antidepressant, first it’s addictive and second I believe that the body has to deal with problems the natural way. I realy wish you to succeed!

Thanks appreciate it, hope you never need them!

Depression is terrible my friend @calaber24p , my mother has double problems that needs to be medicated (Anxiety and Depression)

I remember that sometimes she was not able to sleep for simple things but for her condition was something terrible, she needed to be medicated by a psychiatric and she received electroshock on the 90's, she is functional but when one of this things attack is terrible, (The worst part), it seems that depression in my family is hereditary. (my grandmother hanged herself, 2 sisters of my grandmother hanged themselves, even my mother tried to kill herself drinking a bunch of pills) is a hard story. Even right now tears comes out of my eyes, because for me, living experiencing those problems or impacts was super hard but i continued and i will continue.

I have been living with all that shhh* since i was a kid, my mother says that she does not know how she tried to do that. That thing is not a joke, is terrible to see your mother acting like robot or doing awkward things being a kid, thanks of that nowadays i can beat every challenge that appear in front of my way, and is because i don't care living a mess or living a hell, because i know how to get out of that place (i have been there many times since long time ago).

I will recommend you to speak with a psychology at least 1 per month, even the persons that has no depressions one day they ask themselves about her reason of being here.

Is it true that antidepressants damage your brain if used for a long time?

Thank you for sharing information!
Interesting content!

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