Self help exercise for your Kidneys to give you an energy boost and improve overall health

in #health6 years ago (edited)

Location of kidneys in the body

This is an exercise I have truly become to appreciate and it can be used as a general energy boost and overall health improvement exercise as well as a de-stress exercise. I have been doing this exercise on and off for the past few months. I don't have any consistency in practicing it even though everytime I do it, its benefits are so good I ask myself why I'm not making this a daily routine.

I do recommend it to everybody reading this. The exercise basically consists of generating heat with your hands and applying it to your kidneys. It was shown to me by an alternative health practitioner.

Before I describe the exercise I'm going to do an overview of what functional role the kidneys play in western and chinese understanding of the human body.

I suggest you read it because it just might motivate to do the exercise. As you'll see kidneys play an important role in maintaining overall health.

Role of kidneys in Western medicine

Kidneys are two organs the size of a fist that reside against the back muscles on opposite sides of the spine in the upper abdominal cavity and resemble the shape of a bean.

Kidneys structure

They perform major functions in the body but the 5 most commonly cited are (Source - 1, 2):

  • Removal of waste and extra fluid: The kidneys, which consist of about 2 million filtering units called nephrons, filter toxins, excess salts, and urea from about 200 quarts of blood each day to make about 1 to 2 quarts of urine.

  • Blood pressure regulation: Kidneys need constant pressure in order to be able to filter the blood. They can ask for higher pressure if it seems too low, or try to lower pressure if it seems too high by controlling fluid levels and making a hormone called angiotensin that causes blood vessels to constrict.

  • Red blood cell regulation: When the kidneys don’t get enough oxygen, they can make a hormone called erythropoietin that stimulates the bone marrow to produce more oxygen-carrying red blood cells.

  • Controling pH Levels: Acids are a by-product of cell metabolism. Foods we eat can either increase the acid in our body or neutralize it. Kidneys can also stabilize the pH of your body by balancing the chemicals that control acid levels.

  • Keeping bones healthy: Vitamin D is crucial in absorbing calcium and phosphorus, which are two minerals that make the bones strong. The kidneys make an active form of vitamin D and can also balance the right amount of calcium and phosphorus your body needs.

Kidney structure animation

Role of kidneys in Chinese medicine

Kidney encompasses an even bigger range of body functions than in western medicine. The kidney system in traditional chinese medicine (TCM) includes:

  • the physical kidneys,
  • the adrenals

The Kidneys and the Adrenals glands

and the kidney acupuncture meridians.

The Path of the Kidney meridian - blue line

Understanding of Qi

Qi(chee) is the energy or life force within you and all around you.

We know from discoveries in modern physics is that when you break down solid matter into smaller and smaller parts there is nothing solid or physical left — it’s just invisible energy. The Chinese refer to this energy as Qi.

Symbolic representation of Qi

The theory of Yin and Yang

The earliest reference to Yin and Yang is in the I Ching (Book of Changes) in approximately 700 BC.

The theory or principle of Yin and Yang is that all things exist as inseparable and contradictory opposites , for example, sun-moon, male-female, light-dark, positive-negative, north-south, active-pasive etc. Yin and Yang form a method for explaning relationships between objects and are represented by the Yin Yang Symbol.

Yin-Yang Theory

The principle is a fundamental concept in Chinese philosophy and culture and also permeates all aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) where it is used as a conceptual framework to explain the organic structure, physiological & pathological functions and pathological changes of the human body. It also used in clinical diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

When Yin and Yang are in disharmony it wil- cause the exaustion of qi.

Kidneys viewed through the Yin and Yang Theory

When the Theory is applied to the organic structure of the human body, the physical part refers to Yin, while the activites or functions refer to Yang. The pshyical forms are the material basis for functions, while functions are the motivating power for physical forms.

TCM sees the Kidneys as the center of the body's Yin and Yang or the origin of life. That's a pretty big deal IMO.

Kidney Yin (also called primordial Yin) is the foundation of the Yin fluid of the whole body. It is responsible for moistening and nourishing the organs and tissues.

Kidney Yang (also called primordial Yang) is the foundation of the Yang qi of the whole body. It is reponsible for warming and promoting the functions of the organs and tissues.

Kidney Yin provides energy for pysiological functions while Kidney Yang promotes the storage of Kidney Yin. When they are both in harmony with each other it results in a healthy functioning of the body's organs and when they are not it causes pathological changes and illness to occur.

Presentations of Kidney Yin deficiency:

  • soreness and weakness of the lumbar regions and knees
  • dizziness
  • ringing in the ears and hearing problems
  • dry mouth and throat
  • spontaneous sweating
  • constipation.

Presentations of Kidney Yang deficiency:

  • soreness or cold sensation in the knees and lumbar regions
  • aversion to cold and cold limbs
  • spiritual fatigue
  • difficulty in urination, incontinence
  • declining libido or impotence
  • female sterility.

Kidney is the energy powerhouse of the body

The Kidney stores reserve energy called “pre-natal Qi” inherited from your parents and when any other organ is low on energy, the Kidney sends it an extra Qi boost from this inheritance.

Sensory organs related to the Kidney - The Ears

In TCM the Kidneys are said to"open in the ear".The ears are the sensory organ related to the Kidney and any ear problems, such as deafness, tinnitus, or ear infections are a signal from your body that the Kidney’s energy is low and needs extra support.

Structure of the ear

Kidneys are namely responsible for promoting Qi and Blood to the ears and maintaining normal physiological functioning. In cases like tinnitus for example the ears are unable to receive adequate Blood and Qi from the Kidneys.

Tissue associated with the Kidney - Bone

Bone is the tissue associated with the Kidney.

Kidneys stimulate the production of bone and spinal marrow. Bone marrow is crucial for immunity, strong bones and teeth and spinal marrow is crucial for mental development, brain function, and hair growth. Dental problems are a sign of weak bone marrow function and hair loss is a sign of weak spinal marrow function. Weak bone and marrow function means your Kidney’s energy is low.

Taste that corresponds to and supports the Kidney - Salt

The taste that corresponds to and supports the Kidney is salt. If your craving for salt it means your kidney energy is low. Listen to your Kidney and have a salty snack! But use the unrefined salt if possible.


Emotion associated with the Kidney - Fear

According to TCM our emotions have a direct affect on the functioning of our organs.

Fear is the emotion associated with the Kidney. If you often have severe panic attacks, anxiety, and fear, your body may be trying to tell you that your Kidney energy is running low or is imbalanced.

Impact of negative emotons on organs

Kidneys "control" the anterior and posterior orifices

Kidneys "control" the anterior and posterior orifices The anterior orifice refers to the urethra and genitalia and imbalances here can result in urinary and/or reproductive issues. The posterior orifices refers to the anus and the role of elimination by the colon. Weakness in this role can lead to issues such as chronic diarrhea or constipation.

Instructions for Energizing your kidneys (exercise)

You can perform this exercise at anytime and multiple times per day if you wish or feel the need to. Mornings might the best time to do it. I often do it when I feel tired or feel cold. Let's begin.

  1. Rub your hands for 10-15 seconds. The goal is to create as much heat as possible, so feel free to extend the time or intensity of rubbing your hands in order to produce sufficient heat in your hands.

    Rub your hands like Mr. Miyagi

  2. After warming them up place your left hand on your left kidney and your right hand on your right kidney. See the picture below to help you locate your kidneys. They are located below your ribcage on your backside. They fit your hands perfectly so you shouldn't have a hard time missing them.

    Placement of your hands on the kidneys

  3. Close your eyes. Hold your hands on your kidney for about 15-20 seconds (or longer), then slightly tilt your head downards towards your chest and focus the direction of your "inner gaze" (your eyes are still closed) in the direction of your left kidney as if you were trying to see the kidney from inside the body. Hold your gaze for a few seconds then switch your inner gaze towards the right kidney. Repeat this two times. So basically you look in the direction of each kidney three times.

    Keep your eyes closed when warming the kidneys

    Inner gaze

  4. Open your eyes slowly and let go of your kidneys. You will have now completed 1 set of the exercise.

    Open your eyes and take a few deep breaths

  5. Repeat the whole process from Step 1-4 two more times (3 sets altogether). This exercise is always done in sets of 3 so you can do 3, 6 or 9 sets in one session if you feel you need to.

    Feeling energized after the exercise

Additional notes

  • You can skip Step 3 if you're in a hurry. Looking in the direction of your kidneys just adds mental focus to the energy you are transmitting through the hands to your kidneys.

  • You can prolong the time you warm your kidneys to your liking and needs.

  • Don't forget to breath.

The importance of sleeping hours on the effectiveness of this exercise

I almost forgot. The biggest regeneration of the body happens when you fall asleep between 21-23h. Between 23-24h you get some small regeneration. And if you go to sleep past midnight your regeneration is net negative.

When that happens you have to draw extra energy from your kidneys and you drain it. No big deal if it happens a couple of times per week but if you do this on a daily basis not even this exercise will help you. It will help you postpone the inevitable problems that will come.

I'm guilty of that myself so I have to go to sleep earlier tonight :)

You should at least try to go to sleep before 23h four days in a week.


The biggest benefit I notice is an immediate energy boost and just feeling better overall. Your kidneys need love too you know :)

Oh yeah I once had bags under my eyes diminish a little. According to chinese medicine the bags under your eyes are a result of your kidney energy being low.

If you make this a daily routine it could possibly improve your hearing, blood pressure, quality of your blood, balance your ph levels, improve the condition of your hair, make your bones stronger and more. This is only speculation based on the role kidneys play in your health as written in the above post.

All in all there are very good incentives to do this exercise.


Thank you for reading

I hope you've learned something new and that some of you will try this wonderful exercise out.

❤️❤️❤️ Love your kidneys for a great ally they can be! ❤️❤️❤️


Entry for Steemit Weekly Health Challenge

This post is also my entry for the Steemit Weekly Health Challenge by @healthsquared and sponsered by @sweetsssj.

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Great informative article! I'm going to do this exercise asap.

haha great :)

The dog is a faithfull animal superb photo

Absolutely necessary information for everybody!! And it's very useful for medicos like me to learn such things .animation effects are superb

Hi, thanks @direwolf, super interesting, I'm going to parcel it out

wow so much information very useful article