The Biblical Mystery of Alcohol.

in #health6 years ago

Now straight to the point, to every thing there is a mystery, although a mystery to the one who is not yet aware.
Simple question. What is Alcohol? The word's meaning became restricted to "spirit of wine" (ethanol) in the 18th century, then was extended to the entire family of substances which are now called "alcohol" in modern chemistry. It could also be considered as any class of organic compounds (such as ethanol) containing a hydroxyl functional group (-OH).
Finally, it is an intoxicating beverage made by the fermentation of sugar or sugar-containing material.

I think it should be generally accepted the fact that every thing has a Purpose,just as a chair is for sitting and a house is for shelter, a woman for companionship, the school's for education, so also alcohol is for intoxication as the definition says that an alcohol is an intoxicating beverage.
Big Question: what's intoxication?
A poisoning, as by a spirituous or a narcotic substance.
The state of being intoxicated or drunk; inebriation; ebriety; drunkenness; the act of intoxicating or making drunk. A high excitement of mind; an elation which rises to enthusiasm, frenzy, or madness.
The last definition gave the purpose we might all appreciate:

  1. A High excitement of mind
  2. An Elation which rises to enthusiasm frenzy or madness
    High excitement off mind: It will interest us to note that excitement might be a little different from being happy, and over excitement reduces the ability to think. Just as a person is so excited about a new car and in excitement calls all his friends to celebrate and spends all the cash at hand celebrating,only to realize after words that he had no money to fuel the car the next moment. He would have thought of that, but in the excessive excitement, all that mattered was being happy.
    Beyond every excitement I think there ought to be a place of a thinking mind. Now I realized the mind is the source of every conceptualisation, stereotypes, feelings and more. What ever your mind does not accept, desire or approve, your body will not respond to. The mind is the major decision making working system. Funny enough Alcohol is more interested in causing that mind to be so excited that it loses touch of its ability to reason appropriately.
    An Elation that rises to enthusiasm, frenzy and madness: implication being that alcohol in performing its purpose of intoxication harmlessly causes an excitement of the mind, that brings an inner feeling of joy without cause with a tendency of riding high enough towards madness and folly.
    This is the point were it feels like let's drink away our worries and then pick them up when we are down. A mad person is merely one whose reasoning ability is on point, only that a normal person is yet to arrive at that level of reasoning and calls such mad, funny enough the mad person feels you are in sane because you fail to understand what he understand.
    Now we know it's purpose,let's relate it to daily life circumstances
    Alcohol and the leader: A leader is generally one is has an accepted responsibility to lead and carter for the affairs the ones he leads, directing them mentally, career wise and otherwise.
    The implication however is that a leader beyond his personal worries has a duty to bother about and solve the issues of those he leads and moreso teach them how to subsequently solve their problem themselves.
    Now this is the picture of a leader leading perfectly and while those he leads constantly check to learn from him, he is in an elated mode of an highly excited mind that is likened to madness, which means he will be unable to reason adequately relative to the ones he leads, such might unknowingly teach the wrong thing at that state and those led will innocently follow accordingly.
    I think this causes a bridge in the purpose of such leader as this affects the efficacy for his accepted responsibility for a moment. Obviously the moment he couldn't account for his actions!
    Alcohol and the servant : A servant is one who serves a leader or serves for wages, and much more. A servant is accountable to his leader and to a large extent owes his master a duty to act according to the decrees and prescription's of the leader.
    Now, one funny afternoon or evening, the servant incidentally takes some alcohol not knowing he will be requested of the master the next moment and BOOM! He is called to run an errand, but because he is highly excited in his mind, too elated that he is driven to enthusiasm and near madness, he suddenly feels his master is too bossy, or his master has no regard for him or he engages in mini argument with his master he can't explain. Funny enough such might not appropriately attend to the task given him by his master.

I guess alcohol would have had due diligence in executing its purpose on such.

Alcohol and the Believer:

A believer I think is one who believes in the finished work of Christ on the cross, most definitely the existence of the all divine creator (GOD) and much more,that qualifies a believer.
Although a believer might not take alcohol in church as not to get to the point of likely high excitement of the mind. Let's say it's taken somewhere else and you are exceedingly excited in your mind close to frenzy and you start speaking all sort of stuffs, there are two implications which are:

  1. You are likely to be affecting the growth of another believer who might be weaker and will notice you and feel that alcohol might not be a big deal at all if brother Jonah is taking it. And such might take it because of you and be driven to do the wrong thing after wards. Yes you are composed enough, but how about the one you just affected.
    However rather than continuing the finished work of Christ by bringing the ones you can to the kingdom of God, you take them out by your acts. Woe to that man by whose deed another falls into temptation or sin.

2 Secondly, Highly excited mind tend to desire the wrong thing. Women, pride, money and more. I have never seen a drunk man who never desired a woman, whoever the lady maybe. I have been a victim because at that point you care less of what the after effect will be. Most of the pregnancies unwanted were a result of folks in a drunken state.
The Bible says, will we continue to sin that grace may abound? While we try to live a life of perfection in Christ, will we take alcohol that puts us in a state, were we care less about being accountable to God? Think about this.
With these, I think we can adequately phantom what alcohol will be to a wife, student, father and more. I have been a major victim of alcohol over the years until I got to realize that purpose is very important in determining the things we do. Daniel who remained relevant in several kingdoms in the Bible though he was a slave refused to partake of the kings meal lest he be defiled.
I know sometimes we do it for leisure of for friends and friendship just like I ordinarily did, but the question is, what effect does this have on the purpose I was called to fulfill.
It's not too late to stop my dear. I stopped on the 4th day of may 2018 despite how many leadership positions I occupied, so I don't think it's too late for you to stop. Whatever doesn't give value to the purpose for your existence in life shouldn't be harboured. Kick it out.
God bless you..

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