Response to gravity and movement
registered in the inner ear three semicircular canal loop in three planes at right angles to each other ,responsible for transduction of movement messages
hair cells deformed by gelatinous membrane .vestibular apparatus gives us perception of gravity and movement due to physical response not chemical binding
registered in the inner ear three semicircular canal loop in three planes at right angles to each other ,responsible for transduction of movement massages middle ear malleus, incus and stapes against the oval window opening in front of cochlea .cochlea has fluid filled ducts three in number .one of these ducts organ of corti,sound waves in the air go into vibration in the organ of corti fluid tickles hair cells which register the movement along basilar membrane in the cochlea,different sound vibrations move different potions of the basilar membrane
hearing loss is due to loss of hair cells humans smell more than 300 odors a day