Index into my old EngineerDiet posts.
I'm splitting up my blog into different accounts. Doing so I aim to keep my initial @pibara account on steemit dedicated to my fiction writing efforts. This new account is meant to now be the place where I'll post about nutrition and health from a system-engineering and data-engineering perspective. In this first post on this account, I'll list the post I've done so far on these subjects. So for the future, I will post on these subjects only from this @engineer diet account.
- On negative feedback and nutrition: Could nutritional science learn from electronic engineering?
- Using crappy data to help you spot & ignore bull-shit research.
- Plant based protein: Not as easy as vegan infographics will have you believe.
- Food/nutrient X 'causes' disease Y ? Nutritional science and sloppy use of causality.
- My (kinda silly) nutritional disk of five.
- FOURIER cholesterol trial: a game changer or evidence that pre-2006 cholesterol research was fraudulent?
- Fiber versus protein
- From shady Statin research to poor dietary guidelines.
- A high-protein Ovo-Ento Vegetarian diet for body and planet health.
- The issues with "successful" weight loss.
- Reductionist approach to nutrition: Where the birthday paradox meets p-values.
- Forget the Mediterranean, Blue Zones and Pioppi diet: Introducing The Old-Shoe Diet
- Understanding p-values for dummies and doctors: Flipping a potentially biased coin.
- Why the centenarians and Blue Zones narratives on longevity are potentially very dangerous
- The actual China Study and longevity: Meat, cholesterol and SFA looking pretty good; plant-based not so much ?
- The magic of eggs; how egg fasting is shaking my believe in the applicability of control-feedback theory to nutrition.
- The importance of maintaining/improving lean body mass.