The benefits of the Aloe Vera plant: The plant of gold cures

in #health6 years ago
At present there are no products that have aloe vera to their credit. The companies that process it elaborate all kinds of general consumption, including creams, shampoos, rinses, lotions, bronzers, etc. For the approximately 200 natural elements that compose it provides numerous benefits.


The sabila is good against headaches, migraines, halitosis, insomnia. In the slimming diets provides vitamins and minerals without providing calories or sugar. Regulates menstruation, eliminates intestinal parasites, tones the body and opens the appetite. Mitigates osteoporosis and is antidiabetic. Relieves pain of varicose and improvement. The candidas, trichomonas and other infections or vaginal irritations disappear with sabila. It also improves cataracts and other diseases of the eyes. Balances blood pressure and prevents cardiac arrhythmias, decreasing the risk of heart attack.


In ancient Egypt, sabila was popularly used. Cleopatra used it daily as an essential ingredient in the care of her delicate skin. The burns caused by the atomic explosions of Hiroshima and Nagasika alleviated more quickly with sabila, unlike other drugs. Great Alexander conquered the Island of Socotora and in her there was great amount of sabila that served for the healing of wounds empremedades of the soldiers during its campaigns.



As for the healing properties we can talk about how beneficial it is for digestive and liver problems, relieves colds and colds bronchi, gingivitis dental problems. At NASA, the plant is used to absorb 90% of the toxicity of products such as PVC, fiberglass, varnish, paint, among others, as well as radiation emitted by computers, televisions and other electronic instruments. Some people drink the sabila to obtain better physical resistance. Two compounds are used in the sabila for the preparation of medicinal products: the acibar and the aloe gel. The acibar is a bitter and yellowish latex that is obtained from the face that is found after the skin of the leaves, and the gel of aloe is a gelatin that fills the bottom of the leaves.

For the House


Washing, bleaching and untangling clothes with sabila is very easy, you just have to cut the crystals of the plant fresh and liquefy them alone. Then you add the extracted water to the container, and follow the normal washing procedure. Another benefit of having sabila plants in the house or apartment is, and has been scientifically proven, that purifies the lower environment of the home of chemical impurities present in the air, from cigarettes, toiletries, some furniture materials, and even materials for construction and paintings.

Is used for:

  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Inflammation
  • Wounds, as an excellent scar
  • Genital herpes, among others
  • As a coadjuvant in weight loss regimens, since it is presented as a natural laxative thanks to one of its components, anthraquinone glucose, which act by increasing and stimulating intestinal motility.
  • It helps to improve the metabolism of fats, thus preventing them from being deposited in the organism, favoring their elimination.
  • Decreases triglycerides and blood cholesterol.
  • Improves the digestive metabolism. It helps keep blood glucose stable.

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