Causes of left side pain of teeth and treatment methods

in #health7 years ago

Some people may suffer from the pain of the left side of the teeth. These people may experience pain in the left jaw of the mouth. The severity of the pain varies according to the different factors and, once the cause is obtained, you can properly diagnose your condition. Treatments can include painkillers, . Because dental pain is the worst pain you deal with and eventually you should go to the dentist to get the appropriate advice for your condition. This pain can be due to the sensitivity of the particular food you have taken, the presence of caries in the teeth, the abscess of the teeth, the different causes and of course the different treatments that you can get to solve this problem.

Causes of left side pain of teeth and treatment methods
Causes of left side pain:

  1. Dental output:
    You may feel the pain of the left side of the teeth if you have a tooth abscess in this place and can be called some inflammation of the teeth nerve. This inflammation occurs due to tooth decay for a long time and spreads inside the teeth over time. This infection is painful and occurs between the gums and teeth. In addition, broken or broken teeth can lead to infection.
    Common symptoms include pain in chewing, tooth pain, and continuous puncture associated with teeth. Swelling of the cervical gland, swollen and inflamed gingival tissues. A small pustule filled with pus may also appear as an infection barrier and if the pus is exhausted it becomes painful and suffers from swelling.

  2. Temporal joint disorder:
    The temporal joint disorder may be another cause of tooth pain in the left side. The temporal mandibular joint is located directly on the left side or the left ear joint, which is the place that combines the upper jaw and lower mandible. The moving parts within the tissues in the mandibular joint to close the mandible ..
    The joint is used throughout the day, especially when chewing, biting, talking, chewing. People with TSD suffer from discomfort when using the temporal jaws joint. The behaviors that lead to problems of the temporal joint are eating too much, stress, grinding teeth, jaundice of the jaws, uneven teeth, and some symptoms including pain in the left side of the teeth, ear pain, ear ringing, dizziness, headaches.

  3. Jaw pain:
    The left side pain of the teeth can be mild and persistent due to lower jaw pain. In some cases, jaw pain is a sign of a heart attack. Pain may occur when irritating nerves surrounding the heart send pain through nerves in the spine to the left jaw between other parts of the body. . Pain may increase or decrease within a few minutes and due to left side pain of teeth.

  4. Sinusitis:
    When some people suffer from sinusitis, they may affect the pain on the left side of the teeth, which increases with exposure to bacteria, viruses and fungi. Health care professionals should perform a comprehensive diagnosis of colds so as not to aggravate sinusitis. Sinus symptoms include pain on the side of the face, sinus headache.

  5. Third nerve inflammation:
    Third nerve inflammation is a condition characterized by severe episodes of pain that arise with the third nerve, a triangle nerve surrounding the teeth, eyes, skin and lining of the mouth. It is one of the most painful medical problems. The irritants of the third nerve may include brushing, eating, talking, combing hair, and showering, although the condition causes pain in the left side of the teeth, but in cases of control it causes multiple sclerosis.

  6. Gum reduction:
    You may feel the pain of the left side of the teeth because of the decline of the gums because with the decline of the gums teeth roots may become more susceptible to pain. The teeth become sensitive to anything you eat, such as sour foods, warm, cold, warm. Other symptoms include a change in the color of the teeth and the teeth become longer than normal areas. Gingival of the gums causes tooth pain on the left side, abnormal posture of the teeth and periodontal disease.

  7. Dental treatments:
    When some people undergo dental treatments on the left side they are more likely to get pain. You can experience left side pain from the teeth when filling, installing or placing arches. These things cause a certain level of discomfort. Sometimes the area surrounding the teeth becomes inflamed and irritated by the difference of heat bikes and materials used in dental treatment. The pain may ease in a few days or weeks Or no rest at all.

  1. Wisdom of the mind:
    The composition of the tooth sprocket can be one of the reasons behind pain in the left side of the tooth because of the last molars that are formed there is not enough space for it to get out well. This condition suffers from pain, which can damage the adjacent teeth and allow the entry of bacteria to the teeth and cause infection, which results in stiffness or infection on the left side of the teeth.

Left side treatments of teeth:

  1. Apple vinegar:
    Soak a piece of cotton in the diluted apple cider vinegar solution and apply it on the left side of the tooth to relieve pain. If you do not have apple cider vinegar you can use homemade vinegar, it is also effective in relieving pain.
  2. Vanilla powder:
    Take a small piece of cotton and soak it in the vanilla powder and keep it on the left side of the tooth to ease the pain. The lemon and mint also make the same effect and reduce the pain you feel.
  3. Tea tree oil:
    Preparation of tea tree oil solution of the elements that can be used as a good mouthwash 5-6 drops of tea tree oil in warm water and use the solution to rinse mouth or direct application of oil on the left side of the teeth.
  4. Ice:
    Place the ice cubes in a plastic bag and wrap a thin piece of cloth around the bag. Apply ice to the teeth for 15 minutes to numb the nerves. Alternatively, you can make ice packs on the cheeks to ease toothache easily.
  5. Mint:
    Mint works like a kernel because it provides natural calming properties of tooth pain. Mint comes in various forms, including gels, creams or oil, which is most effective in relieving pain and normal residence. One of the easiest ways to use mint is a mint tea bag and apply it directly to the pain area.
    6.Ginger root:
    Chew a piece of ginger root down the left side of the tooth to ease the pain. Ginger works as a toothache to a large extent.
  6. Tomato or Potato:
    You can chew the garlic alone or mix the garlic with salt to form a paste and put the left cheek to ease tooth pain and palpitations.
  7. Green lemon:
    You can apply green lemon slices on the left cheek of your teeth to relieve pain. Although a few bite feeling when applying green lemons but offers you instant relief.
  8. Onions:
    Onion provides antiseptic and antimicrobial properties that kill bacteria in the mouth and relieve pain. Once a piece of raw onion has been placed on the pain area, dentists have been advised to use it when feeling the pain of the teeth. Cut an onion slice suitable for the size of the mouth and put it in the pain area and leave it for 5 minutes or more to get rid of pain.
  9. Guava leaves:
    Apply fresh guava or spinach leaves directly to the pain on the left side of the teeth. It can also be used as a mouthwash when preparing guava leafwash by boiling guava leaves in water mixed with salt and using this solution to rinse the mouth.
  10. Salt Water Salt:
    Mixing a small suspension of salt in a cup of warm water and using it as a mouthwash also helps to provide additional benefit, which is to relieve the sore throat. . Rinse for 30 seconds before spitting. Salt water cleanses the area around the teeth and extracts some fluid that causes the tumor.
  11. Option:
    You can use a new piece of the option as a natural remedy for the pain of the left side of the teeth to relieve pain. It is best to use cold cuts to relieve the unbearable pain but remember if you have sensitive teeth, use the cold option. Alternatively you can apply the mashed option and mix with the salt.
  12. Bread soda:
    Prepare a mixture of baking soda with a little water and apply it to the left side of the tooth or rinse the mouth with baking soda and water as a lather to ease the pain and rinse with a warm water cup.
  13. Clove:
    Prepare a paste of cloves and insert it into the left side of the tooth or use clove oil to put it in the left jaw.
  14. Wheat:
    Simply put wheat leaf or using wheat juice is useful in resisting the pain of the left side of the teeth where the wheat juice absorbs the toxins in the gum and kills the bacteria and prevents tooth contamination.
  15. Potatoes:
    Take a slice of fresh raw potatoes and peel them into suitable pieces to place these pieces on the left side of the tooth and place the pain in particular or make tomato paste and mix it with salt before applying the putty on the left side of the teeth.

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