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RE: Amazing 1 Year Transformation: Cured Depression, Quit Smoking, Quit Drinking, Ripped, Raw Vegan

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Romans 14:1-23
"As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the "weak" person eats only vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him. Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand. One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind" (For the record I dont "despise" you but you do fall under the category of "weak in faith" something to consider being a man in your position.)


DUDE, don't worry, I won't judge you for making a comment stating "who are you to pass judgment" then judging someone as "weak in faith," then paying yourself for it...

AND i saw a Big Great Light and out of it a voice spoke and said "jacobcards stop playing with yourself and blaming others for your own self condemnation his good looks are making you weak no reason to be mean to him for it"

Well, thank you, @splendour for this comment. I just flagged jacobcards because that is the ultimate rudeness! He sees that somebody is successful in business, happily married, is doing great things for his health. I normally do not respond to bible bashers, but this one is just so jealous and sick in his mind - the mind boggles!

My pleasure, i really dont like seeing that myself. im stoked that you flagged him he is one very sick jealous individual, lol yes very mind boggling.

LOL ironic huh. 100% upvote for that comment!!!

How does being a vegan fall into the NWO plot? How does it make man equal with the beast? If anything, focusing on our health goes against it NWO plans. As for your quote, they did not have the proper knowledge to have a healthy vegan diet when that was written. Now we know we have to incorporate protien into our diet as well. They also definitely don't mention steemit in the bible... A vegan diet will likely allow you to advance spiritually. This is not just due to terms of health, there is also the element of compassion for all life. Love and compassion are two of the strongest attributes one may have, for one who speaks of judgment, it sounds much to the contrary when you say that Jeff is weak in faith.

You are right @kdevilla, a raw vegan diet may help some people to advance spiritually. Good reply, willl follow you! :)

What a useless post dude! And please stop believing in God! Or do you also think that Santa Claus is bringing you presents at Christmas?

AND i saw a Big Great Light and out of it a voice spoke and said "jacobcards stop playing with yourself and blaming others for your own self condemnation his good looks are making you weak no reason to be mean to him for it"

Sorry, @splendour! I flgged jacobcards down, NOT you! I tried to reverse it and I shall try again. I really don't know how this could happen! I will try to reverse it again!

I don't normally reply to bible basher's ourbursts, but this comment is just so rude! Who are you to call a man, a REAL MAN, life Jeff Berwick, "weak in faith". You may have noticed that Jeff (and indeed my husband and I are doing the same), that we do what is GOOD FOR US. What makes us feel healthy and fit. And like Jeff, we simply share our experience, we are not preaching or trying to influence anybody, because everybody is different. We encourage people to try out new or different ways to free their mind and body from sickness.

In fact, I just re-read your reply and I will flag you down for being insulting and rude.

I hate the christian ideal that we are in charge of the animals . This brain dead view continues to destroy the planet. The eastern do know harm would better serve all on the planet

you have failed in your analysis of the passage.

Meat in biblical times was real and not the factory farmed, processed, hormone laden crap that passes for meat we have today. Further MX doesn't allow GMO foods, so he's in the right place for a vegan diet.

Also, I just eat small amounts of meat. Humans are omnivores. You cant wake up one day and decide to be an herbivore because your not one. You just dont eat meat for breakfast lunch and dinner like disgusting americans do, you just have a deck of cards worth and your good to go. I also dont eat pork, if I do its usually just a BLT. Study up on your Christianity Jeff. Buddhism and Hindu practices will only pull you farther from the truth. CHRIST IS THE TRUTH. ... I fast as well! Extremely healthy. Be sure to drink alot of distilled water when you do!!

i would say better off eating some meat and NO dairy then lots of dairy and no meat!

I keep trying to be vegetarian but I keep falling off the wagon as it were.

yes i know that one.. I think it doesnt have to be all or nothing.. its also a nice idea to just change the balance and have several vege dish a week and less meat. That is better for your health and also the number of animals that need to be sacrificed..

So you don't give up on insulting people here. As I stated in an earlier comment, I usually ignore bible bashers, I don't follow you to the debth of your existence because down there you beat us all with experience. And stop giving people advice on how much water they are supposed to drink and which kind. You are an ignorant and I shall flag this comment down as well. Just keep your church and God and Jesus to yourself, nobody in their right mind is interested in ANY religion anymore. And read the last sentence a few times! I wrote religion. Religion. Got it? Religion is not the same as God.

Really? You flag someones opinion under a blog of an an-cap? lol

Yes, I will flag any un-true, nasty comment on any blog. Or are anarchists now not allowed to speak the truth anymore? Where did I go wrong? LOL
Let's see what your blogs are all about. I'll be over right now! ;)

You did not go wrong anywhere, and I'm nowhere saying anything about that your not allowed to flag or to say what your say. Just like the religious guy. Anybody can say what they want to say. I'm totally for free speech. It's not up for me to decide, that's the thing about free speech.;)

Thanks for the reply.

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