Dumbest things fully grown humans say - outloud

in #health6 years ago

Let me set the scene for you. I am taking a 5 week short course on how to provide care to people. It is not my first choice but times are hard and I need to earn some actual money instead of just steem coins, (Who am I kidding I anit making any steem coins either!)

So we are in class yesterday and the teacher is talking about communicatin and how we communicate with our spoken language our bodies our eyes how we dress, you ge the picture.

Anyway this fully grown women asks the teacher.
"You just said that English is hardest language to learn right"
The teacher replied with:
"If you don't already speak English and you want to learn it as an adult then yes it is the hardest language to learn"
To which this woman replies
"Well how come I can't speak every other language in the world?"
I had to stab myself with a pencil to stop myself for shouting:
"WTF are you serious"!!
Because sadly she was serious.
So what is the dumbest thing yo have heard recently? Tell me I need to know that I am not alone on this planet we all call home.women.jpg

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