Why Weight Loss Is So Difficult (and how you can fix it) Part 1

in #health6 years ago (edited)

First of all, let me tell you that unlike some other posts I have seen about Health and Weight Loss, where the person writing about it was probably talking about some things they have read on the internet or in some book, I have actually been taking supplements for over 30 years, using myself as a guinea pig, and learning by trial and error what works and what doesn't. I only speak about things that I have tried and proven for myself. So, when I tell you something about health or weight loss, just know that I have used it on myself first to make sure it does work, before I go spouting off to other people saying it works. It's not just a theory, or something I read, I've actually tried it. Got it? That being said, I am going to make a statement you may have never heard before from anywhere else. "YOU DO NOT LOSE WEIGHT TO GET HEALTHY. YOU HAVE TO GET HEALTHY (First) TO LOSE WEIGHT. Let me explain why.

There are many reasons people cannot lose weight and some people may have multiple things working against them. If you have some kind of gut issue like IBS or PCOS or any of a half dozen other gut issues, it will be very difficult, if not entirely possible, to loose weight until you address that problem. Why? Because, with those gut issues, you are not digesting food properly and this affects your metabolism and also your elimination system just to name 2 things. Also, what caused these gut issues in the first place (which was probably a food allergy or some other kind of intolerance) has also not been addressed. Anyone with European blood, especially type O blood, was not meant to eat grain ( there's a book that addresses that whole issue but I cannot think of the name of it). This is just one issue. Below, I will list several more reasons why people have such a hard time loosing weight. There are many reasons most people don't even realize. I learned about these things by subscribing to some alternative Doctor's newsletters and also watching Doctors on YouTube like Dr Mercola and Josh Axe. Okay, lets get into the other reasons.

Reason # 1. The body was designed for survival, so it does not like to loose weight because it deems that as possible starvation. If you eat too much, your body stores the excess as fat, and also, if you eat too little, or you fast, your body also stores fat, because it thinks you are trying to starve it to death. If you do excessive exercise, you can force your body to loose a lot of weight, but as the people on The Biggest Loser have found out, and it's been well documented, as soon as you go back to eating normal and you slow down on your exercise routine, your body starts storing fat again, and it does so with a vengeance. Therefore, you have to trick your body in several different ways so that is does not react in these ways.

Reason # 2. You have a hormone called insulin, and when you eat sugar or anything that turns into sugar (like potatoe's bread, pasta, oatmeal, cookies, ect. all that turns into sugar (called glucose) in your body and this causes your insulin to spike and any sugar that is excess also gets converted to fat. The worse thing you can do is eat several times a day as in eating 3 meals and 2 snaks, because everytime you eat something, especially bad carbs, it spikes your insulin and insulin is the fat storing hormone.

Reason # 3. Most people are not aware that the big food companies and fast food places, use something called MSG to enhance the flavor of your foods to make it taste better to you so you will keep wanting to buy it. And msg is just one additive of many that they use to get you to eat more. Another one is high fructose corn syrup. There are many more that I will not name here, but if you read your label's, you will see what I am talking about. Most of these are preservatives and anti-caking agents or flavor enhancers. Let me give you a good example. What does it take to make homemade bread? Water, yeast, flour, salt and that's it. Now, go to the store and start reading bread labels and see what else is on the label. Also, when you eat wheat or anything that is made of wheat, you are consuming pesticides like glyphosate that cause all kinds of health issues. Google glyphosate, and read about what that stuff does to your health.

I am going to stop right here for now, but I do want you to know there are many other reasons people cannot loose weight and I will write about that in part 2 maybe sometime this week when I have time, but right now I am tired and it's late and I need sleep. Hope this helps you.


good posting

Thank you so much. I will try to post part 2 tonight. Have a wonderful week.

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