Six Ways Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) Affect Your Health - and What They Actually Are

in #health7 years ago

While GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) have been banned in Australia, Japan, the European Union and several other countries because of potential disastrous health effects, Genetically Engineered Foods have deeply infiltrated the American food supply with almost 90% crops such as corn, soybeans, canola, and sugar beets being genetically modified without most Americans not even being aware they were buying and consuming genetically engineered food.

While Congress passed the GMO Food Labeling Bill which would require most food packages to carry a text, symbol or electronic code that identifies if they are GMOs, but I have yet to see any labeling in my state and wonder if any readers have seen this labeling in their areas?

Proponents of genetic engineering claim that there is an increase in crop yield, less cost for farmers, and reduce the use of herbicides. But is this true?

Studies have shown that in the laboratory based techniques, a foreign gene is inserted into the DNA of the plant. This is an uncontrolled process because the site of insertion is random and can damage the plants genetic makeup. This can result in poor crop performance or total crop failure, alterations In the nutritional content of the food, toxic effects, and unforeseen harm to the environment.

In addition, genetic engineering does not reduce pesticide use. The fact of the matter is that genetically engineered crops lead to an increase in the amount of pesticides and herbicides. The allowed use of glyphosate, which is the world’s top weed killer, has also been increased. While Monsanto claims that Round-Up is safe and has a low toxicity, these claims are based on outdated and questionable studies. Monsanto Agriculture France was charged with false advertising when it was claimed that Round-Up was biodegradable and left the soil clean. Contrary to Monsanto’s claim, Round-Up is not biodegradable and the glyphosate which it contains has been classified by the EU to be dangerous to the environment.

The truth of the matter is that glyphosate kills natural nutrients and organisms that are necessary for plants to live. Therefore we can conclude any product that contains glyphsate does not in fact increase crop yields Because glyphosate is highly invasive and can mix with rain, water, soil, ground water, and water it can create serious environmental problems by affecting our wildlife and non-pest insects. An example of this is the decline of the Monarch Butterfly and Bubble Bees in North America.
Some will argue that the use of genetic engineering helps solve climate change. The fact of the matter is that it does nothing to solve the problem that some perceive as a global problem, but instead adds to it. Genetically modified crops consume massive amounts of energy because they are dependent on herbicides which are manufactured using fossil fuels. Also, genetically modified crops largely depend on nitrogen fertilizer which emits greenhouse gasses.

How Do GMOs Affect Our Health?

  • Triggers food allergies
  • Possible toxic effects on our liver and kidneys.
  • Increase in infertility.
  • Contributes to gluten sensitivity.
  • Birth Defects.
  • Increase risk of cancer.

I have included a very informative YouTube for further information.

And here you will find a simple printable list of companies that use Monsanto products. Print it and keep it near for your health and the health of your family.

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